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   (Author's Note) Hey, Late happy holidays everyone and late happy new years! This part will be an UT party, and there will be many ships. This doesn't mean its cannon to any previous or future stories about UT Aus. This is for fun and I hope you guys have fun reading this as well.   Ships: - SwadMare - Cream - Errink x Outer (Weird, ik U.U) - DustBerry - Horror x Lust - Killer x Hate - Etc. Enjoy! )

    The party took place at a cabin in OuterTale. Ink had whipped it up an hour before guest started arriving. Error was glad that Outer agreed upon hosting it here. They were planning on moving here anyways and it would be too crowded rooming with Outers brother, Crater. 

\2 hours before party/

     -Errors Pov-

  "Outer?" Outer dramatically floated over to me, leaving behind a trail of comet dust. 

   "Yes?" He landed his feet on the ground looking up at the blue strings about the fireplace. 

   "Stars or snowflakes?" I wasn't able to decide. Usually Ink does this stuff for the holidays, no matter how messy it ends up being. But instead, he's out getting snacks. My job. 

  "Huh? Why would you put Star up there? They wouldn't make very good decorations since they are human after all. " Outer. Always joking around.

  "You know what I meant." I moved my strings to make them into star shape ones. Not the shape of Outers human though. They always throw snowballs at me. I don't know where they keep them! 

  Ink barged through the door carrying some paper bags in their arms. Ink had New Years shades on and a Christmas hat slumped on their skull. 

\No Pov/

  Error rolled their eye lights. "You finally decide to use the door." There had many incidents of Ink getting hurt or breaking something by their entrances. Error made a mental note as they eyed the door to buy the same hinges for the rest of the cabin. They surprisingly held up to Inks strength. 

  "Hey!" Ink set the stuff on the table. "Someone's just grumpy that we moved the Christmas party." 

  "Correction Ink, you were the one who suggested we don't then thought it would be a good idea to mix the two!" Error made sure to burn the mistletoe's in advance. He didn't know what Ink and his friends were thinking buying so many, let alone buy one. 

  Ink and Error started to light argue as Outer floated down and into the kitchen where he went to check up on the hot chocolate.

   The door bell rang, sending Error into reboot and cause Ink to puke due to the excitement of guests arriving. Outer was floating again and poked his head through the kitchen doorway. He shrugged and slipped back into the kitchen. 

  Ink shook their head and jumped at the sight of the mess he made. "Gosh! Errors gonna kill me." Ink chuckled. "Kill me- ha." Ink quickly ran to the bathroom where he grabbed a handful of towels. Error had since woken up from the reboot and shouted at Ink to put back the towels and grab rags instead. 

\ Errors Pov /

  I sighed. I got rags and a mop for a reason! Ink was the reason. Same to why there was a drain in the middle of the room, which was hidden by a small coffee table. I rushed Ink to hurry up and helped them wipe up the mess. As Ink left to put the rags in the basket, I opened the door. I wish we just canceled the party and watched movies. 

  Blueberry was the first to arrive. They carried a small tray of dessert tacos. Dust, the damned thing, was right behind him, holding two more trays. "Mew mew mew! Why hello Error! Thank you for inviting me and Dust!" Dust looked at me for help with the trays. I sighed and used my strings to carry them to the kitchen. "Oh! Why thank you!" Blue paused. "Where's Ink?"

  "Cleaning up." With that, Ink appeared suddenly behind me, almost sending me into another reboot. "G-geesh!" 

  Ink chuckled as Outer opened the door for Dream and Nightmare. Nightmare had their hands tucked under their arms and Dream was in a ugly Christmas sweater. Night had one on as well but it was X-ed out with sharpy. I don't think Dreams too happy about that. 

  Nightmare sat on the sofa. "Don't make a mess." I warned. When Nightmare is around strong emotions, he tends to drip which was a pain to deal with when I was previously living with them. That was before Ink and Outer though. Nightmare would leave trails of goop back then. He wasn't going to start now in my clean house. 

\No Pov/ 

  More guests arrived by 9pm. There was Horror, eating everything in his sight, Cross and Epic having a rubber Christmas chicken fight in the kitchen. Dream, Hate, Killer, and Swad were playing candy land in teams. Hate and Killer were five spaces ahead. They were playing for the bowl of candy canes Hate sans had brought for the hot chocolate. Too bad. Nightmare was making small talk with Lust, who also secretly loved Christmas sweaters. Nightmare regretted crossing (HA. - Author) out the words but it was his least favorite sweater anyways. 

  Ink was with Blue and Dust, deciding what movie they should put on. That so far leaves Error and Outer outside, setting up the fireworks for later. 

  "Damn it." Error was shoveling the snow as more continued to fall. Outer floated by. 

  "Chill Error. We can take a break and wait for the snow to stop." Outer gave Error a soft smile. Error grumbled. "We can even make some fudge-" 

  "Fine, lets go." Error dropped the shovel and hurried Outer inside. Outer had a smile on and just shrugged. 

\To be Continued!/ 

(Author's Note) This is very late. I know. But I found some motivation to continue what I started so far. So if it sounds a bit different in the middle of it, I apologize. Also, I might start doing warnings for chapter's that need it. I don't know why I didn't do so before since people can be sensitive to certain topics and/or situations. Also, the reason I stopped is because I'm planning on going to a siblings archery tournament and wanted to get this out now, just in case. Hopefully I'll post more soon. I don't have a schedule and I'm unsure if I should start one. I might be changing the title to the book soon too. Also, this is pretty long already for me. Not used to writing this much but I like it! Signing out- VerificationDick lol.

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