and then there was darkness::15

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I really don't feel fantastic today guys, so I hope you don't judge me too harshly if this chapters not fantastic..

I'm really happy that you guys made the votes up to 18, though! I must say I am epically proud of you all!

You did excellent



The sun is fast disappearing as we lay entwined in each others arms.

"Hey Lauren? I never asked before, but roughly how long do you have left?" Jason's soft voice makes my brain tick and I sigh.

I know straight away... I guess I'm always aware.

It's always in my mind, somewhere in my subconscious...

"The doctor said I would have about 12 months... It's at about eight now but it could always change." I say quietly.

He exhales quickly, "whew... That's not long." He mumbles.

I nod, "yeah..." It becomes silent apart from the lapping of the water and the squawking of the seagulls. It confuses me a little as I think of it for the first time ever, "why are there seagulls by a lake?"

Jason chuckles at the random question, "this lake is sort of an inlet from the ocean... It's not far from here really, maybe an hours drive."

I nod slowly once, "oh okay."

"Are you cold, Lauren?" Jason says as he runs his opposite hand down my arm that rests on his waist.

I shrug, "it's getting dark pretty quickly..." I mumble as a shiver rolls over me. "I didn't bring a jacket."

He chuckles, "I bought a blanket, but its in the car." He leans up a little and I move from him.

"Did you bring a torch?" I mumble absently.

He scoffs and laughs a little, "come off it. It's not that dark... Are you scared or something?" He says as he starts toward the car.

I furrow my brows after him in annoyance. I'm not even scared!

I look back to the lake and frown. All of the lights are off tonight, there's no sparkling and it's rapidly becoming pitch black...

I sigh and hug my knees to my chest, waiting patiently for Jason to return with the warmth.

When ten minutes pass and it is almost black, I growl a little. What is taking so long?

The sound of crunching leaves makes me turn toward the sound. "Jason?" I question.

He chuckles, "yes." He says exasperately, "sorry, it was right under my gym bag."

I laugh a little, "I hope it doesnt smell like sweat." I tease as he settles beside me.

Staring in the darkness, I feel for the edge of the blanket, pulling it over myself as I snuggle back close.

"Uhhhh..." Jason says dreamily, "it's so beautiful out here..."

I furrow my brows. He must be talking about the cool air, the smell and the sounds...

"Look at those yachts out there, they're tiny..." He laughs.

I squint in the complete darkness, "I can't see them, Jason...."

Suddenly it dawns on me, hitting my stomach and chest like a high-speed train.

"Jason?" I rasp, my stomach twisting in knots as I sit up, "I can't see, Jason."

My voice breaks a little at the end and Jason sits quickly, too. "What do you mean? Like at all? Are you blind?" He says quickly, panic and concern blatant in his voice. "Is that it? It's gone..?" He tosses away the blanket and grabs my forearms as he pulls me up gently.

and then there was darkness.Where stories live. Discover now