ミ★ 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘴𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘢-𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦 ★彡

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Ryker's POV

after I waved goodbye to the beautiful men, I walked through the forest to get to my location, the basilica. It was very odd that so many people despise the existence of the basilica. But I can understand why. I mean, someone was murdered there. And when I say someone, I mean my best friend, my only friend. Once I met the doors of the church, I hesitated to go into the building. But, I had to go in. I soon walked into the church and went upstairs. once I got upstairs, I went into a room,  (Woah...) I thought to myself, all that was in there were white hospital beds, all of them were clean and in tip-top shape, except one of them. it was the one in the main middle, it had been very bloody and worn out. But I just ignored it. I have seen a tore up half ripped paper, that stated "R3D MARKS TH3 SP0T" I assumed that it meant the bed it was laying in front of

It was finally over. I got what I needed from the church, and I go back into the town. I soon run into a young man, "I-i'm so, so sorry sir!" he said "oh, ERM it's okay. But I'm not a man, I go by they/them." I said to him. "I'm sorry! I didn't know! oh, uhm here's your book by the way! you dropped it." he said, "thank you! what's your name?" I asked him, "it's Gabriel, nice to meet you! may I ask your name?", "Oh yeah! my name's ryker! nice to meet you too, mind telling me more about the town?" I asked. "oh f course! what kind of history?" Gabriel asked, "well like dating! or asking someone out!" I said to the man, awkwardly, "Oh! Well. Around here gifting oranges symbolizes our love for someone! So, whenever we catch feelings, we give a person an orange!"

Gabriel's POV

 "Oh! Well. Around here gifting oranges symbolizes our love for someone! So, whenever we catch feelings, we give a person an orange!" I said to them, "Enough of that! Who do you have interests in so soon?" I asked Ryker, "See the man with purple hair over there? next to the man with the scarf thing!! He's so... Beautiful it's mesmerizing." They told me. "Oh really! I mean, I can see why you like him but. How so soon?" I asked, "it's called love, love at first sight." 'Woah, they sure like Accardi!' I thought to myself, "Oh! I never really believed in that sorta stuff." I told Ryker. We continued to talk for a while. Unfortunately, I had to leave

sorry yall i got hella lazy<3

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