Chapter 4 - A caged bird

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The trio looked down at Tommy with varying levels of relief. T̶͔͕͓̘̪͆̕ę̵̢͇̯̩͖͎̳̹̜̯̼̥̳̗̟̮̥̳̫̊͛̄͋̀̅͜ͅć̸̢̛̛̛̝̗͇̗̝͙͐̐̿̋͌͂̑̏̂̓̀͑̔͛̊͆͂̃͘͘͝͝͝h̵̨͎͚̳̞̳̫̹̭̯̰̰͓͉͓̖͇̗͙͑͗̓̌͂̽̽̏͐̅̎̊̄͑͆̅̊̓̓͘͜͝͝n̸̨̨̨̠̳̗̗̟̝͓͍̰̫̘̺̩̰̬̜̼̬̹̼͙̩̱͑͆̈́̀͌͋͛̿̚͜͜͠o̴͎͓̯̺̞̠͙̬̘̰͂̂̈̍̿͗̈́͛̆̄́ͅ ̷ looking the most relieved, with W҉i҉l  looking less comforted and the most confused. As the singing had stopped once more, Tommy immediately tried to back right up and return to the panicking but safe tunnel. P̷h̷i̷l̷  noticing his retreating fledgling, and promptly scooped him up. Which receives a surprised chirp.

Of course, all the while Tommy muttered 'whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck' out of reasonable stress. Because all three of these, these, people??? At least he hopes they're people, because they all have buttons in the spot eyes would be, and are at least 10 FUCKING FEET TALL OR TALLER. The tallest being the pink toned one, whilst the smallest is the one with scales. But it doesn't really matter who's tallest here, because they are all fucking giants in Tommy's books, as Tommy is only 5 feet tall. Meaning all of these people seem like FUCKING GIANTS.

While Tommy is panicking and muttering P̷h̷i̷l̷  is trying to calm him and so he does the obvious thing to do, and introduces himself, hoping it will calm down Tommy.

"Hi Tommy, my name is Philza but you can call me Phil. It is lovely to meet your acquaintance." Phil pauses to see if Tommy has calmed and thank buttons he has. "These are my sons Technoblade and Wilbur."

Tommy, being barely able to process things at the moment, has no filter. And so the half assembled word vomit that comes out of his mouth before he can stop it is "What kind of bitch ass names are those?"

The room goes silent, and Tommy realizes what he just spewed has the lovely expression that is a cross between panic and 'fml'. That is before who is now known as Wilbur starts cackling. While Techno, can he call him Techno? Technoblade is just so bulky to say, start chortling. Which Tommy prays means a good thing. While

Tommy, now looking like a tomato comes to a sudden clarity. "Hey!" he says pointing at a once again confused Wilbur "Your the weirdo who broke into my room and left a note!" Which just caused the other two to laugh harder while Wilbur looked rightfully embarrassed.

Phil, who was the most able to speak at the moment asked "Did you like the cow?" to which he achieved an approving look from Tommy.

"If your the one who made Henry, then you are the only man ever, and for that I respect you." He paused before starting again, "Even if you sent you giant fucking lackey to break into my room to give it to me. Which brings me to question number 2, 3 and 4. How the fuck are you all so tall, and how did you know so much information on me, and why do you all have buttons for eyes?"

Techno thought this the best time to speak up, "The buttons and the height kinda go hand in hand, but that is an extensive topic for another day. And we have so much information on you, because you... peaked our interest to say the least."

"Well can you say the most instead because that still doesn't explain how you got the information." Tommy deadpans.

Which Techno meets in turn with his own deadpan, "How do you think? There are only like 3 ways to gather information. We watched yo-"

"OKAY, that is enough for tonight." Wilbur interrupted, "We will talk more about this in the morning when everyone has a clear head and all their thoughts in order. For now lets all get a nice full night of rest."

"Sound good to me" Tommy speaks, "I'm just gonna head home, so if you could un-summon that wall and unlock the door that would be fabulous." They all just stare at him after he say this.

"To the nest!" Phil states and starts to walk towards the stairs. Which would have been fine, had he still not had Tommy in his very large talons.

"HEY! Wait- no- put me down!" Tommy stutters while wiggling to escape. "Lemme go home, bitch! I will bite you!" At this Phil starts to look mildly concerned. So he hands Tommy to Techno as he has the thickest skin.

"WHAT, NO, this is not what I meant when I said let me down and you know it!" Tommy continues to hopelessly flail. Well he was until Techno, what a prick, starts fuckin purring or rumbling or what ever it is he's doing. Because that shit was relaxing, and Tommy has had a long day and night. So sue him for stopping flailing and almost falling asleep before he even made it to the room. Much to the smugness of his entourage.

He wakes up more when they get to the giant blanket and pillow covered room, floor, walls, and ceiling all covered with blankets and pillows. With so fairy lights hanging from the ceiling. His three tall ass captors all lay down, dragging him with them due to the fact that he was snuggling Techno. He feels someones giant hands start to remove his jacket and bag. which he is to tired to fight, but he doesn't comply either. He kind of just acts like a rag-doll and goes boneless. Only re-gaining his bones to stretch his wings before curling them around himself. Which for some reason made his pillow purr louder.

He feels someone delicately grab one of his wings, and stretch it out. The hand then proceeds to preen his feathers. Which causes him to immediately let out pleased chirps and whistles every time a feather is righted. He is swiftley seperated from his pillow which causes him to let out a displeased sound. But then there is a second set of hand going through his other wing as well. This final move is what causes Tommy to finally pass the fuck out.


Dream stares at the note in disbelief, Sapnap reading the note over his shoulder.

"I'm sorry dude your brother is gone, we can't get him back." Sapnap says solemnly. Causing Dream to swiftly and quickly turn around.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'WE CAN'T GET HIM BACK'??? THAT'S MY FUCKING BROTHER I CAN'T JUST GIVE UP!" Dream shouts before noticing how pale his friend looks.

Sapnap speaks up, "No, we literally cannot, 'the Siren' is a local legend, a cryptid if you will. If he has claimed Tommy, there is no way in hell we can get him back."

Dream now also pales, "A cryptid, those don't exist, please tell me that your just joshing me, please." But Sapnap just wordlessly leaves the room.

Sapnap pauses and shouts behind him, there is still one room we haven't checked. Tommy could still be in there and just pranking us with local legends, lets go check.

Dream fills with hope, but deep down he knows that there is no way Tommy is in the living room. He knows in his heart that his little brother is gone. But what does it hurt to check?

Him apparently.


Word count- 1172

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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