Chapter 14

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We left McDonald's and started to walk back to the venue when my phone rang.
"Lauryn it's Tyler go straight to the car Troyes been taken to hospital I'll be there in a second to drive us both to the hospital" I put the phone down and ran. I ran for my life.

I got to the car and Tyler was crying I rubbed his shoulder and told him everything would be okay. Then it hit me one of my parents was in hospital.
"What happened to him?"
"A fan didn't like the fact he couldn't come backstage with Troye after the meet and greet so she threw a chair at him..... it hit him in the head and then he dropped. I saw the colour drain from his face."
"OMG if I ever see the person who did this I will kill them I hope he is okay." I whispered crying.
"He will be okay Lauryn he was still breathing and when the ambulance came he had the colour back in his face but he was in shock"

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