~ Storms of Neptune ~

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Ch. 1

~  Dark clouds swarm the skies above the raging seas. Blue lightning crackles and sparks, searing through the clouds of Chaos.
       Breathing in the essence of a mysterious presence. Surfing upon the back of a mighty blue whale, a trident in hand. She waves the trident summoning a tsunami of monstrous proportions.
Rising with the oceanic force, her heart pounds in her chest, senses on, instincts take over.
     The clouds turn sickly green, parting to reveal the horrific glare of a greedy god. The stench of dead, rotting fish fills the air, making it hard to breathe. A ghastly haze hovers over the atmosphere. The god, mad with jealous rage manipulates his ocean swell.
Oil and water don't mix. Her thoughts race. Breathe. Just breathe through it! If I don't breathe it won't make a hell of a difference!
          The sea of life and purity clash against the savage, ravaging polluted sea of Davy Jones Locker.
      As the Tsunami wave peaks, she and the whale are riding it high in the sky, the blue lightning strikes. Taking off flying up into space to confront the foe head on. Sands of time ticking by the hour.
   She waves the trident in wide circles as if to trace the planetary orbit of Neptune around the sun. "Maelstrom Hadalcyclone!"  A whirlpool whips up emerging out of the water, a swirling vortex of terror like an inside out hurricane. To the haunting song of the blue whale that echos out into the universal seas!
        The Great Dark Spot of Neptune looms overhead in the fabric of the cosmos. As the moon rises in front of the Neptunian storm. Aligning with a mysterious shadow washing over it's surface in a lunar eclipse, turning it a radiant blue.
     The storms of chaos get out of hand and the oceans surges her back to reality.
Breathe , just breathe ! Breathe, Wake up! ~

     Michiru springs up in bed dripping in sweat, breathing heavy. " Just Breathe.... Breathe .... It's okay, just a dream.... Breathe." She gathers her composure taking in a slow inhale and slowly letting it out.
      "Another dream... no a nightmare...what do they all mean?"
     Wiping the sweat from her brow with her hand. Still steeping in that mysterious presence, somewhat in a daze. She licks her lips tasting the salty sensation of the sea. As if that ocean had come directly from the depths of her soul. Seeping out of her skin from within.
      "So confusing but so intriguing."
Michiru crawls out of bed to get ready for the day.


    The bell rings its iconic intervals, Michiru listens with her well tuned ears. Already sitting at her desk staring out the window, pondering about the nightmare. I know it means something, try as I might I can't shake it.
   I wonder if it means something bad is going to happen? Such intense energies, the images so vivid, it's seemed so real.
    Teacher walks into class, "turn your books to chapter four where we will be learning about ocean zones.
     Well, best get on with the day, no sense in worrying about it.
     Michiru quietly opens her text book to the appropriate page. Curiosity strikes, looking over the pictures of the ocean. Captivating her wildest imagination, she starts dreaming of sea horses swimming around, whispering into her consciousness.
    Two diagrams in particular catch her attention. The first one she observes reading the labels, going down in depth.
      Epipelogic. Mesopelagic. Bathypelagic.
Abyssapelogic. And lastly the Hadalpelogic zone, the darkest of them all. To think there could be trenches that go even deeper than that.
     The second diagram shows the life likely to be found in each zone.
      Phytoplankton and zooplankton, the enchanting coral reefs and kelp forests all the way down to the angler fish and gulper eels of the abyss. Supported by the thermal vents in the depths that churn and release nutrients that supports life from deep inside the earth. How fascinating!
         Such a resonance reverberates
in her, Michiru can't help but ignore the teachers droning lecture. In favor of her vibrant and colorful imagination. The sea horses dance and sway in the oceans of her mind among the corals and sargassum weed floating from above.
          Happy thoughts swim away with them fleeing for their lives as the fearsome image of the greedy god from the nightmare flashes into view. Disappearing just as fast only the disturbing energies refuse to leave her alone.
        The mysterious presence banishes the god's polluted oceans. Revitalizing her energy in that moment, sensing the dangers passing, Michiru reclaims her calm.

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