Chapter Two

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words: 609


    I’m not going to lie, I'm a normal teen who does stupid things. But my parents really wish I wasn’t. You see. I’m a prince. Yea yea, I know. A prince? Well. Yes. I’m a prince. But I’m not like the princes you normally hear of. I’m not douchey, I’m definitely not ready to take on the role as king, and I find fun in things you wouldn't think a prince would like. Like football, woodworking, and cars. My parents are the total opposite. They are nothing but rich snobs who only care about two things. Money and fame. Yes, we’re the royal family, but we suck at it. Or well, my father does at least. But he covers up all of his failures with parties, celebrations, and parades. Our kingdom is going downhill. The only person I think can fix it is my younger sister Sierra. But my parents want ME to lead our kingdom, and I really don't want to. And that's why I'm lying to Kouper. Because he's the first friend I've ever had who wasn't friends with me for money or recognition. He understood me, and I can't risk telling him the truth. Everything's perfect as it is. 

So why am I in the hospital? Um. That's a great question. Well. You see, besides being a terrible prince. I’m also really clumsy and dumb. I ran away from home and got on a plane to America. Stupid right? Well, I was doing well for a while. I had a disguise and I was unrecognized by most people. Once I arrived in America though, I realized I had made the most ridiculous decision of my life. First of all, I had got on a plane to New York City. Things were completely different from how things were in my kingdom. And to top that, I was easily recognized by everyone. I had mobs swarming me asking me questions. While trying to run away from the crowd, I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and I. Well. I fell into a manhole. (Those sewer hole things you find randomly in the middle of roads and sidewalks)

I woke up the next day in the hospital. My parents were furious but decided to make me stay in this american hospital as punishment. It doesn’t feel like punishment in my opinion but I wasn’t gonna tell them that. 

Now here I am, eating cereal, with my new friend Kouper, talking about my parents. 

There’s silence after he says wow.

“So,” I begin. “We never really talked about why you’re here.”

“What do you mean?” he questions.

“I mean. Why are you in the hospital? What’s your story?” I reply. 

“We haven’t talked about yours either,” he says.

“Yes, well, mine is embarrassing.” I say.

“Hm”. he says. “If you tell me I’ll tell you mine.”

He’s got this flirty smile on his face. I can't tell if he's tired or genuinely being flirty but I feel my face turn red. 

“Uh well” I begin. “I fell into a manhole..” I say shyly.

Kouper snorts.

“You did what!?” he exclaims.

“Shhhh. The nurses will hear us.” I say.

Kouper giggles. And god was his giggle adorable. I can’t tell you how badly I just wanna..

“That’s hilarious man.” he says.

“Haha. Yea. So funny,” I say sarcastically. “Now it’s your turn you dork.”

“Ah right.” he says. “I don’t really remember. A nurse told me I fell off a roof and was in a coma for 3 weeks. That's about as much as I know.”

There’s silence.

“Wow, uh. That's terrifying.'' I say breaking the silence.

“Yea.” he says.

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