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If Jordyn had known what going over to the Davenport's house on this Friday entailed, she would have thought about it twice.

And to be quite honest, she would have stayed home.

She should have been more suspicious when Adam texted her to wear something sporty. No way in hell would he have spelled sporty correctly.

Here she was now - standing before Chase in the training room, being expected to learn how to defend herself from him.

"Why are we doing this again?"

Chase, who was currently stretching himself in front of the mirror, slightly turned his head to answer her, "Because Mr. Davenport wants you to be able to defend yourself in the case of imminent danger where none of us can come rescue you."

"Hm, so what if we just say I don't get into danger and call it quits here?"


Jordyn groaned, sitting down on one of the chairs next to the enormous mat.

"Tell me, how did not getting into danger work out for you last time?" Chase reminded and walked up to her. His cocky stance, hands on his hips, annoyed Jordyn beyond what she thought possible.

"Well, some sprains and a concussion are better than losing a whole arm. Why don't you give Leo the training instead? That boy needs it desperately."

Chase raised a brow and crossed his arms, settling in front of her so she had to tilt her head upward. "He's also able to generate highly dangerous laser spheres out of that arm now, so I don't think he's the one we need to worry about."

"Well, I do. You know how he hit Krane that one time and saved us all? Total accident. He just missed the girl."

"S-1, you mean?"

"Yeah, whatever cool code number she's got."

Chase walked onto the mat and gestured for her to follow but she only let her head fall back with a heavier groan. "Chaaase," she whined and stared up at the ceiling, leaving her body fall limp on the chair. "I'm hopeless. There's a reason I always skip gym class. Can we just, i don't know, say you did all that, unfortunately not helping the hopeless case that I am and no one finds out about it?"

"I could point out so many holes in this plan but I'm not gonna. Stand up."

Jordyn sighed and picked herself up from the chair, approaching the boy who now had his hands back on his hips and wore a triumphant smirk.

"This goes against all my principles. I'm a pacifist. This isn't for me. I fight my battles with words. Remember all our fights? Arguments! Because I refuse to harm a single soul, no matter how rotten and spoiled and-

Code Combination - C. DavenportWhere stories live. Discover now