신뢰 문제 (Trust Issues)

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Chapter 3 

Two Months Later -

April. April 1st to be exact. We've been in this cabin for three months now. Tension is still in the cabin. Jeong In doesn't like Felix being here and makes it very clear everyday he sees him. Minho keeps his distance. Since the sun is setting later, he's sleeping nearly all day, every day at least till eight. 

Chan and I have grown a little closer since Felix told me to move on and forget him. Some things I haven't noticed about Chan that I notice now is how contagious his laugh is. I find myself smiling whenever I hear it. His dimples whenever he smiles big. The way his eyes twinkle whenever he talks about something he's passionate about. The thing that gets me most though is how hot he's gotten. 

Changbin and Chan have been working out around the cabin and I can't tell if he's doing it on purpose, but he wears loose fitting t-shirts so I can see his abs. It makes me hot and bothered. 

Jeong In and I slowly started to close the gap between us. We can sit in the same room and it's not as much as tension. The other day we were talking and he laughed. I hadn't realized how much I missed his laugh. 

We are all sitting in the living room when there is a knock on the door. Changbin turns his attention to the door. It's 7:28 in the evening. 

"Who the heck is that?" Jeong In questions. 

"I don't know." Seungmin says. Felix stands up and walks over to the door. He looks out the peephole. 

"There is no one out there. At least, not anyone I can see." Minho sighs, standing up. He pushes Felix out the way and opens the door. There isn't anyone outside, but a single envelope on the ground. He looks around before picking it up. He closes the door and walks back over to the couch. Changbin raises his eyebrow. 

"Hm." He says. 

"Should we open it?" Han questioned. 

"What if it's a trap?" Chan questions. 

"Or a bomb." Seungmin says. I playfully nudge him. He throws his hands in the air. "What? You never know." Minho rips it open and unfolds the letter. 

"Felix and the others. My name is Lee Know. My family and I know about what happened at Vampire Academy. Hyunjin dying. Jeonghan dying. All of it. I come from a line of elite vampires. I'm actually apart of the second elite family. I'd like to discuss next steps with you all." He reads. Felix raises his eyebrows. 

"How does he know who we are?" He questioned. 

"How does he know about Hyunjin?" Jeong In questioned. Minho goes back to the letter. 

"Meet me in the courtyard around nine tonight. I'll be waiting." He crumbles the letter up, tossing it on the ground. "Bullshit. I've never heard of this Lee Know." I stare at the paper. 

"What if he comes back?" I ask. 

"Yeah? So what if he does, what is he going to do? Make us go back? I have no intentions on returning back there." He says, folding his arms over his chest. 

"I'm kinda curious." Han says, running a hand through his brown hair. Seungmin agrees. 

"Yeah, me too. We should at least hear him out." Minho turns to glare at them. 

"For fucking what?" He turns his attention to Felix. "He said your name first in the letter. Do you know him?" Felix shakes his head. 

"I've never heard of him." I glance at Minho. 

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