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Word Count: 2012


Case has been my boyfriend for quite a few years now.

In the beginning everything was good. It was my first experience with love, so I didn't become aware of difficulties until later in our relationship.

When he cheated on me, I didn't think I would be able to get through it. After a few months we bumped back into each other, and stupidly I decided to forgive him.

Now that I've found my mate, how I feel about that decision has suddenly changed drastically.

Now, my mate faces down my boyfriend.

"Holy fuck, who are you?" Case questions, clearly horrified at the man before him.

I don't blame him for being terrified. Sire towers over him, and the expression on his face suggests he hasn't opened the door to greet Case.

"Case...what are you doing here?" I ask frantically.

He's not meant to be here. We are meant to meet up for lunch tomorrow. Usually he is good at giving me space...sometimes too good. And now, he's here, confused as to why there is a tall, intimidating man lingering in my house.

Explaining the situation to him isn't going to be easy.

Case pushes past Sire. "I was looking everywhere for you, Hazel is terrified."

Sire blinks, as if the audacity of my boyfriend has come as a surprise. He seems to have forgotten that people here don't know who he is, that he is an Alpha. And if he is looking for respect, he isn't going to find it from Case.

"Leave, or I kill you," Sire orders, holding the door open.

"You leave..." Case snaps back.

I grab his shoulders, turning his attention to me. "I promise we will talk, but I need time with my friend here."

Case looks between Sire and I, trying to make sense of what he is witnessing. I feel bad for pushing him away, but it's not as if I can explain what is going on just yet. It will only worsen this already complicated situation.

"So what, you're done with me?"

"Yes she is," Sire cuts in.

"I need time to deal with a situation," I assure him. No man in his right mind would willingly leave his girlfriend with a strange man with freakish blue eyes and otherworldly tattoo's, but he has no other choice.

Case looks over Sire, scoffing, although I can sense his wariness. "She's dating me, you know."

"And she will be fucking-"

"Okay everyone, I think we all need to stop talking, and Case needs to go," I cut in before Sire dig this trench any deeper.

With little force, I gently push Case toward the door. I don't want him to be mean, but the longer he lingers here, the more tense Sire is getting and I can't anticipate what the once slumbering Alpha will do.

"Why can't he go?" Case motions to him.

"It's a long story," I sigh, still pushing at him.

"Meara is my mate. She is mine now. Goodbye," Sire exclaims finally, grabbing Case himself, shoving him unceremoniously out onto my front porch.

He goes to slam the door shut in his face, but Case reaches out, stopping him. Whether he's mustered that strength from is beyond me...

"I'm not just going to let this happen," Case growls back.

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