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Word Count: 1690


I don't waste any time waiting for his reaction.

Scrambling back I find Hazel in the grass. Her blood stains the spot around her, seeping from her shoulder. She's pulled the knife out, the blade now laying discarded beside her.

"Hazel...please tell me you're okay." I run my hands over her, checking for a pulse, for breathing.

She groans, forcing her eyes open. Relief collapses over me, but it's short lived. She may be alright now, but that may not last for too much longer considering the state she's in. Her lips have already paled and she's shivering from the shock.

"I'm okay," she croaks, although I sense her waning energy. "Don't let him hurt you."

Kyro needs to be dealt with now. If not now, then Hazel will die and I may as well let him kill me. Right now he strides closer, which is brave considering what he has just witnessed.

Drawing my hand down Hazel's head, I give her a comforting smile. "I won't, I promise."

Leaving her lying there, I stand, facing Kyro. To his credit, he doesn't look terrified, although I see the apprehension playing out on his features.

"You've seen this now," Sire says, motioning at me. "Do you finally surrender?"

"Surrender? To you?" Kyro scoffs.

"My mate has magic, and so do I. Without your witches, you are best to stand down and accept your fate honourably." Sire settles his hands behind his back, letting Kyro know he has nothing to fear in him.

My mate looks the picture of death, as he stares down his enemy with more restraint than I've ever seen him manage.

Kyro looks at me, like he's trying to gauge the extent of the power I've been gifted. I'm more than willing to give him another show of strength.

"Do you really think I don't have another plan?" He asks us, that smug smile deserving of a violent hit.

"Knowing you, you'll be looking forward to telling us about it," Sire responds smoothly.

My mate isn't much for show. He would have ended Kyro's life the moment I took out the witches, who still linger amongst the grass, some stuck by pain, others having run for the hills.

Sire knows something. He's confirming Kyro does not have another hand to play before he finally ends him.

"Unfortunately for your darling mate, she's been inflicted with poison." Kyro looks at me, that devilish smile returning. "Slow acting, but poison nonetheless."

I stiffen, a cold waves of horror rolling over me.

Looking down at my hands, I examine my skin for any sigh of paling or discolouration. Internally I don't feel off, and from what I can tell, I don't feel poisoned.

"He's lying," I tell Sire.

Kyro's eyes glimmer. "Am I?"

"I would know if you poisoned me," I continue. I'm not sure what kind of poison he thinks he's used on me, but I'm sure I would have felt it by now.

Sire looks me over, effortlessly calm despite what he's learnt, although even he can't hide the glint of fear in his eyes.

"You ate my food, did you not?" Kyro raises his brows.


At one point, I reluctantly ate his food because I wasn't sure how long he was going to be held captive. Plus it was mostly bread and water, which I assumed wouldn't be tampered with.

"I would feel it. I feel fine," I assure Sire.

This can't be true. Kyro is fucking with us, desparately trying to get himself out of this situation alive. I'm willing to take this risk if it means he ends up dead and we can get Hazel out of here alive.

"He's not lying," Sire says grimly. "I felt something off about you when you first arrived, through our bond. Now it makes sense."

"I'm the only one with the antidote, and unless I leave here alive, you'll never get it," Kyro adds.

My fingers roll my into fists and I resist the urge to scream.

I'm not concerned that at any moment this poison could set in and kill me. I'm worried about my friend dying behind us, who won't be saved if Kyro takes us captive.

"There is no chance you're leaving here alive," Sire growls, although his gaze darts back to me every few seconds like he's waiting for me to collapse.

Kyro folds his arms over his chest. "Would you rather your mate die? It will be painful."

"No more painful then being at your side while you torture my mate and then me to keep us weak," I snap.

If I die from this poison, it will be worth it. My Pack won't be ruled by a monster, Hazel can live and Sire can finally have the revenge that he deserves.

"I wouldn't be so sure." Kyro's eyes narrow.

"If we let him go now, and he takes one of us, Hazel is going to die," I tell Sire softly.  "We need to get her to a healer."

Indecision plays on Sire's expression. I have no idea what he is going to do, but I get the feeling I know...

Sire has made it clear he will do anything to keep me safe. If we can't find our own antidote for the poison coursing through my body, I will die and he will be without a mate. It may even be enough to kill him.

However, if he kills Kyro, he gets his revenge, and Hazel survives, but at what cost?

"What about you?" He whispers.

"I'll be fine," I exclaim confidently, trying to force the worry from my tone. "I know for a fact that we can find an antidote."

I don't know for certain, but I have an idea...

"That's not a risk I can take." Sire looks between Kyro and I, wanting to make sure his enemy stays within his sight. There's nowhere for the man to run anyway. Without his witches magic, he can't transport himself either.

"Trust me." I hold his gaze. "Who does Kyro go through to get everything he wants?"

"His witches?"

"Yes, and if we can save Hazel, she can save me," I insist. "This poison will be linked to the witches, it will be linked to Hazel. Maybe she knows what it could be."

It's a massive if.

Part of me thinks there's no chance it will work. All I need to do is convince Sire, so we can deal with Kyro and save Hazel.

"You can try, Meara. But is it really worth the risk?" Kyro asks, tilting his head to the side.

He's trying to look confident but I can see it wavering as I attempt to convince Sire. Even he knows Sire's decisions are unpredictable, and there is not gaurantee anymore that he can talk his way out of this situation.

"You don't know what it is like to love someone," I snap, taking a step forward. He matches it back. "You have no idea what I'll do to save my friend, and my mate."

Sire's smile is dark and triumphant suddenly.

"So I suppose that means I get to kill you." He pulls a knife from it's strap, holding the blade up so he can examine it.

Kyro takes multiple steps back, shaking his head fervently. His life is flashing before his eyes, and I'm loving every second of it.

If only his wife were here to finally watch him get what he deserves.

"That's not a good idea. Your mate is going to die," he insists desperately, jabbing his finger in my direction as if he can pull Sire's attention away from him and back to me.

Sire looks back at me as he advances on Kyro. I nod securely.

Trust me.

"I trust her," Sire says finally, flipping the knife around in his hand. "I trust that she knows what decision she is making."

"What of our friendship? You can't possibly think about killing me..." Kyro splutters, sensing the end and knowing there's not much more he can do other than appeal to Sire's empathy.

Unfortunately for him, Sire has been waiting far too long for his revenge to let anything get in the way of this.

Sire laughs bitterly. "Our friendship? You had me cursed underground."

"I did you a favour." Kyro glances at me. "I brought you your mate."

"To kill her in front of me. You are nothing more than a monster." Sire looks ready to snap, gripping the knife intended for Sire tightly.

I watch on, not wanting to interrupt. This is between him and Sire.

Sire forces Kyro to his knees, looming over him. Kyro looks terrified, trying to gain his witches attention, but they are done with him, barely even looking to see what's going on.

"And what does that make you for killing me?" He asks, eyeing the knife warily.

Sire doesn't even flinch. "A man satisfied by his revenge."

He grips Kyro's blond strands between his fingers suddenly, before drawing his knife across this throat. No magic, so drama. Just a simple, undignified death.

I look away, squeezing my eyes shut. I don't want to watch the life drain from Kyro's eyes, even if I hate him. He's still a person, and I'm still struggling to watch him die.

A wet, disturbing sound gurgles up from his throat before I hear his body collapse amongst the grass.

Tentatively, I look back.

Kyro is laying in the grass on his front, blood spilling out around him.

"You did it..." I whisper, looking at Sire who stares down at his old friend, his gaze hardened, his breath calm.

He sweeps his gaze to me. "He may have witches to hide behind, but he bleeds like any other."


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"...I've never had an orgasm before!" I blurt out, backing away a few steps.

He sits up, dark hair ruffled and messy from the fingers I ran through it. His eyes, once wide, slowly darken.

"You what?" He breathes.

~Midika 💜🐼

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~Midika 💜🐼

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