upper 2...

173 2 1


douma pov : 

i woke up in a room that seemed to have multiple rooms at once.. I looked down to see my legs chained to a wall , I was scared then somebody walked in ... "upper 2 .." i said softly i needed to catch my breath once I did " WHY DID YOU TAKE ME? " came shouting out my mouth " are you a demon? " he asked me " I'm not" i told him " ohh well then uhmm  why are your eyes that color , they are unnatural " i turned my face so i wasnt facing him " are they ugly.. " "why would you assume i think they are ugly? " he tells me " well you pointed out they were unnatural so i assumed you did ... " i replied " they are pretty but they just made me assume you were a demon when i saw them " 

I then realized i didnt know his name so i asked him " i never got your name , what is it " "akaza, but what might yours be? " he tells me " douma. . but can you unchain me ? " "  sure i guess" he told me "yippeee! thank you ^^ " once i got untied i hugged him i dont know why though.. "are you a criminal? the lines on your body are criminal markings not to be rude sorry if i sound like it  " i asked him " ehh i was before i became a demon " he replies 

"why haven't you killed me already?" i wondered then asked "i was but then i thought you were a demon because of your eyes and im tired of changing my mind so I won't " oh that's why he didn't kill me kinda shocking  "well can i go home now " "nope!" i was left in shock but i didnt care , i jumped on his back so i could play with his  hair , its soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fluffy 

" i wanna explore! " " fine but stay with me, NAKIME ! " and with that we were in a whole other place i jumped off his back and grabbed his hand so he could take me around the area " im gonna be going at a fast pace and your a human " he tells me " im the 5th fastest hashira actually so im super speedy ! " " WAIT YOUR A HASHIRA ?! "  i could tell he was shocked but i didnt have my uniform on when he found me "yep ^^ " 

when we were exploring or i was exploring i saw the upper 1 "shhhh they cant know your human or even a hashira so play along " akaza whispered "akaza who is this person? " the demon asks i slightly hid behind akazas back i felt shivers down my spine "hes a friend of mine right douma? " i snapped out of my thoughts " uhh yea!" and let out a small fake laugh " im kokushibou nice to meet you i guess " his eyes were weird but i didnt want to be  mean " im douma nice to meet you ^^ " 

we then started heading to another place in the weird house thing and he brought me to his room . " is this your room? " "yes very much my room " he tells me i started getting cold so i hugged him for warmth "what was that for ? " he says confused " im cold " he just stood there and said " okay " but he needed to walk so he picked me up and i wrapped my arms around his neck " i dont have an extra bed.." he said under his breath " it is cold in here and i dont feel safe anywhere without you so i can sleep with you !"  i rest my head in his chest "okay i dont really care to be honest " he tells me 


We then woke up and we went into the woods because he was hungry . i was not made at him because it was his nature but i didnt want to get lost so i held onto his hand for the while we were there "why are you avoiding most of the humans here?" i asked out of curiosity "if you noticed all the ones im avoiding are female , i only kill males because i respect women " he said "oh okay 🥰 does that mean u dont respect me 😶" "your a different case , alright? " he said "okay^^"

i rlly hope people like this one word count is 806 😍

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