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"I don't know how to fight." I chuckled. Jimin was flabbergasted. To be fair I look like the type of person who would be an expert fighter.

"Well I do know how to throw a good punch but that's about it. Zero combat skills." Jimin was still very shocked and honestly I would be too.

"So you got into a fight because you wanted to protect your brother?." He said after he calmed down. I nodded.

"Do your parents know about the bullying that occurred over the last three years?" I shook my head 'no'.

"My parents will never know." I said falling back onto the bed so I'm laying down on my back.

"Why?" Jimin asked as he sat down on his bed facing me. I didn't want to answer so I stayed quiet and turned away from him. I wish I could tell my parents if I was able too. Jimin didn't ask anymore questions that were related to my family as he guesses it's a sensitive topic for me.

"I've been curious? Why are you speaking with me and not with everyone else?"

"Oh, that's because I'm shy.. For some reason though, I feel quite comfortable with you and my shyness disappeared."

"I had a feeling that you might be shy. Don't worry I'm sure you'll warm up to the others in no time!" Jimin said with a smile on his face. A weird feeling could be felt in my chest when I saw Jimin's smile. The feeling wasn't something unpleasant but something that felt warm and made my chest tingle causing me to smile back.

So far the only member who've welcomed or made me feel welcomed was Jimin. I would've added Jin to the list but I wasn't sure if you could count the fact he asked if I was okay so I simply didn't add him but I have a feeling he would be added to that list pretty soon.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door startling Jimin and I.

"Dinner is ready!" The person called out.

"Coming!" Jimin called back.

We both exited the room and went to the kitchen where we sat down at the table. I was seated between Yoongi and Taehyung while Jimin sat across from me between Jungkook and Hoseok. Jin and Namjoon sat at the ends of the table.

I wasn't feeling hungry so I was listening to everyone as they talked amongst themselves. Jin noticed my untouched and asked if I didn't like the food. I shook my head. He asked if I hungry which I shook my head again. He was relieved when the reason I wasn't eating was simply because I wasn't hungry.

"Korain-ah, I'll leave some food for you to eat when you get hungry later." Jin said. I nodded and gave him a smile that siad 'thank you'.

I noticed Jungkook staring at me very intensely. I gave him a confused look, he huffed and looked away and continued to eat his food. Weird.


I'm currently in the bathroom washing my face. I have my bandanna sitting on the counter next to me. Once was I done, I looked in the mirror and examined my face making sure I had cleaned everything. I traced my hand over the scar that was on my forehead. Everytime I look at it, it reminds me of what happened 3 years ago and I hate being reminded of that day so I cover it with the bandanna. The same goes for the scar that runs down my left arm. It's fortunate that I survived though I wish didn't. Ever since that day I had to take on a lot of responsibilities. I couldn't handle it, I was too young.

I sighed and put the bandanna on and left the bathroom. As I was walking to Jimin's and I's room my stomach started growling indicating I was hungry. Remembering that Jin had left some food for me, I went happily into the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?" Jin asked as he saw me enter. I nodded.

"Food is in the fridge." He said taking a sip of water from the glass he was holding. I grabbed the food and heated it up and sat at the table and began eating. Jin joined me after he finished his drinking his water.

"How do you like the food?" He asked curiously. I gave him a thumbs up with a huge smile. This was the best food I've had for a long time. Jin had a small smile on his face. I guess he's happy that I enjoyed his food.

'769 words'

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