Ring The Bell

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Sweat formed in beads on Jesse's forehead as she pushed the bar up back onto the hooks. Her arms dropped down and dangled on either side of her towards the ground as she breathed heavily to catch her breath. "You sure you don't want a spotter?" Samantha asked, dropping her jump rope to the ground and squatting next to it, trying to get her breath as well. "Nah, I gotta get these weights up." Jesse said, determined. She sat up from the bench & continued, "but not tonight. I can't be asked to push myself right now." Jesse sat hunched over on the bench, two small curls from her hair dangled in front of her. "You good?" Sam asked, checking in. "Yea I'm straight. Just tired, didn't get much sleep and I think something I ate hasn't sat well with me." Jesse rubbed her stomach a bit. She reached up and tightened her pony tail and hunched back over, looking directly into the gym floor. "I'm doing another set." Sam said, standing back up while grabbing her jump rope. She began a set of skipping to work on her footwork.
"Yeah, that's right." A familiar voice popped in as Jesse heard the door open. She glanced up at the door, seeing Indi walk in towering past. "Get those reps in Sam!" He said, cheering her on a bit. Indi was a 7 foot 2 inches tall and pale figure that stood towering to Jesse's 5 foot 3 stature. "What's good, Indi?" Jesse said, standing up to give him a handshake. "Just came in to go for a run. You done already?" "Yeah, just not feeling it tonight." "Ay, that's fair enough." He dapped her up and headed towards the treadmills. Jesse walked towards Sam who just stopped jumping rope. "How many inches do you think that hair gives him?" She joked. Laughing between breaths, Sam muttered out, "probably 6 more inches." "7 and a half." Indi called from the treadmill, hearing the girls talk. "Spoken like a true man, overcompensating. That means it's only 5 inches." Jesse joked.
The three were basically siblings. They worked together for a 17 years and grew close to each other in that time. Jesse was 24, Sam was 26 & Indi was 35. Jesse was 7 when she joined the underground fighting industry. She was introduced by her biological cousin. After sleeping over Jesse's parents' house one night, they snuck out and Chrissy, Jess's cousin, brought her by to the local train station and introduced her to a man who ran an underground fighting facility. Jesse, feeling like a kid who didn't fit in and who loved boxing movies, joined without hesitation not knowing what the realities of a fighting life would be like. At that age, that's when she met Samantha Witts, another young fighter who was 9, and Indi, who went by Indi Lightning as a in ring name at age 18. Once you were in the business, it was for life and sometimes in death.
Indi began jogging on the treadmill, his hair remaining stiff as ever. His hair was almost similar to Marge's from the Simpsons except his was dyed green and forced to stand stiff and tall by and overdone amount of hairspray every day. "I don't know how he runs so well with all that hairspray that's in his lungs." Jesse said loud enough to make sure Indi could hear. "Fuck off!" Indi playfully called out, watching the two girls walk out of the gym. Jesse threw her towel over her shoulder as they exited the gym and walked out into the hallway of the arena. The rooms in the facility were rather sound proof as the hallway was simply an extremely long open walkway that lead to the stage and fighting ring. The sounds of screaming fans and the echos of music and a ringing bell filled the hallway. "Where you headed?" Jesse asked. "Wanna go watch the matches? I think Adam's watching them." Sam said. Jesse nodded and they made their way to the "TV area." It was nothing more than a corner with a half wall and two TVs in it broadcasting the live fights at different angles so anyone backstage could see. They headed over and saw Adam Copeland sprawled out on the floor stretching while he watched. "Hey baby." Sam said flirtatiously as she bent over and greeted him with a kiss. Adam smiled and kissed her back. He nodded at Jesse and said hey.
Adam Copeland was more famously known as Edge, a name he had gone by while he was working as a WWE wrestler. The underground fighting industry was in no way legally affiliated with any professional wrestling entertainment companies but this industry held some generational secrets no one talked about. Although world wrestling entertainment was a non violent form of fighting entertainment where the "wrestlers" were actors and stunt men, most people in the industry had a keen liking to watching actual fights and some even participated. It was all held under wraps for decades as the underground fighting industry was an illegal one that turned young kids into life long fighters and where death was frequent yet never properly documented. It was a brutal life but an addictive one as for all the pain one endures, they had an odd way of finding love and pleasure.
"What's the excuse this week?" Sam asked Adam. "Well I'm working on the Percy Jackson film so as far as Beth and the kids know, I'm filming and traveling for the next month so I can stay here in New York go wherever else I need to before going back home." "And after that?" Sam curiously questioned, her eyes focused on him. "After we just focus on the day by days again. May have to go back to WWE, we'll see." He said, still stretching. Sam crossed her arms and looked up at the TV. "Mario put Jin against Julia?" Sam asked. "Yeah I heard Julia talking about it on the phone, I thought she was talking to you?" Jesse said. "Nah, not me." Sam said, her eyebrows furrowed, focusing intently on the match.
Julia Witts was Sam's biological cousin. Samantha and Julia lived together as children as Sam's mother passed when she was young so her aunt took her in. Samantha Witts was a tall, strong, talented and smart young woman who seemed to have it all, know it all and be it all. Her cousin on the other hand was rather overweight and not as striking as Sam was. Nonetheless her weight didn't affect her much in the ring as it only showed the sheer power she had. Where Sam excelled in flexibility and technique, Julie had made up for as a powerhouse. Jin Ping was the younger sister to Ty Ping. They weren't the crowd favorite or quite honestly good wrestlers but they entertained more so as a losing team. Jin and Ty were thin and small, almost frail, looking siblings. Ty had studied jujitsu for years and frequently practiced it but it never prepared him for the street fight styles most fighters had here. He entered, assuming he could out fight everyone, soon to learn he'd be made a quick example of how not to fight. They were almost like jesters to the crowd, their win to lose ratio was almost completely one sided.
"Relax Sam, it's literally Jin." Jesse said, putting her arm around her friend. "The point is if she loses, she's loses to Jin. If she wins, great, we move on." "1, 2, and a kick out from Jin!" The TV blared out as Julia attempted to pin Jin down for a win. Sam grunted as she watched.
"You're not in anything this week?" An innocent sounding young man's voice startled Jesse. She turned quickly to see Bruce standing next to her, glancing up at the TV. "What?" She asked, forgetting the question as her first reaction was the protect herself. "Did Mario schedule you for a match this week?" Bruce stated more clearly. "Oh...no. I'm working on other projects this week." She responded, realizing he was asking since she wasn't in her normal "in ring" gear. He was in his gear though, he had flexible pair of red, orange and white tights on and no shirt. It was evident that under his tights were small knee pads and he had tightly laced wrestling boots on. "What are you waiting on?" Jess asked, looking at the gear he was wearing. "I'm going up again Evan Bourne in 2 matches." "Oh shit when did he come back?" She asked, shocked to hear his name. "Two weeks ago, Mario gave him to weeks to train privately, his first match is with me today." "Mm, cruiser weights, should be interesting." Jesse said, nodding and taking note of the interesting matching. "And the winner is.." Jesse quickly turned his head towards the TV, hearing the announcers screens to see who had won the match. Julia had stood atop the ring corner with her hands raised. "See? Nothing to worry about..." Jesse said, squeezing Sam's shoulder before walking off. She was going back to her apartment within the facility as she knew Sam would wait for her cousin backstage to make sure she was okay.
Jesse unlocked her apartment door and entered. She looked over to the small bar she had directly left from the door and there sat Reddington, sipping his scotch. "How was your workout?" He asked. "Meh, not in the right headspace. I'm okay though. I got in some reps so I feel good." She said, tossing her towel in the wall slot where their laundry went for the cleaners to grab. "I thought Sam was coming back with you?" Red knocked back the rest of his scotch. Weecha moved from the counter, grabbed the glass, washed it in the sink and set it to dry. Jess slowly made her way to Red and said, "Julia fought Jin today so she's with her now." Red puckered his lips and nodded. Taking his lips as an invite, Jess leaned in and placed a kiss on his lips. "Mm, scotch." She said, tasting the drink on his tongue. She walked away, heading towards their bedroom to go change into more everyday clothes rather than workout attire. Raymond cocked his head, admiring her as she walked away. Weecha leaned over the counter towards him. "She leaves without a piece?" Taking a deep breath in, Red snapped from his gaze and turned to look at Weecha. "She doesn't always carry." He said firmly. "Shouldn't she?" "Weecha you protect me. I wouldn't worry much about her." "But I worry about what you worry about..." "I know you haven't formally met her, I know this is your first day coming here to see where Dembe and I head off to at nights but once you get to know her, you'll learn she can take care of herself. And if she needs something, I'm always here." Reddington explained to her. Sighing and standing straight back up against the bar wall, Weecha folded her arms, watching the doors in the apartment.
They heard front door unlocked and Weecha sharply looked over. "Ahaha Dembe, my brother." Raymond stood and hugged him as he entered. "How many people have access to this place?" Weecha asked. Dembe looked around, wondering why the question. He answered, "family and friends." "Weecha, for god's sake I told you it was unlocked only by finger scans. In and out." Reddington said, now slightly annoyed at her skepticism. Dembe sat next to Red at the bar. "Raymond is a man who takes many risks but I will say this, this place takes security seriously and we would not frequent it if he or I didn't feel safe." Dembe's words put some ease onto Weecha but not much. To her, Raymond was her responsibility and he left the house each night to see this woman who he claims he loves who he says can and will kill if need be. She was someone Reddington sought after himself and screened her without Weecha or Dembe's knowledge. The last time this happened, it was when Red fell for Anne. He got comfortable and complacent and enjoyed the routine of seeing her which ended up leading to her demise.
Jesse quickly hopped down the spiral staircase in the apartment after exiting their bedroom. "I thought I heard a Dembe!" She said smiling. Dembe stood and smiled widely, "How are you Jesse?" He asked as he hugged her. "I'm okay, little out of it but nothing I can't handle." Jesse looked over at Weecha who clearly had yet to make herself at home. "Ya know, if you want a drink or some food or...to sit down, you can?" She offered Weecha. "I'm okay." Xiu replied, a wall still up towards Jesse. "She's still upset that she was fingerprinted upon her arrival." Reddington interjected, explaining Weecha's defensiveness. "Oh...I mean it's so you can enter and exit the apartment whenever you need? It's just for us and some of our closer friends and family. Raymond trusts you with his life so I trust you with our house." Jesse tried to explaining, getting a bit defensive herself but attempting to be inviting. Weecha cracked a small fake smile and nodded.
The front door opened again. Jesse, knowing it could only be someone approved, didn't get bothered by an unannounced entry as she turned on the TV in the living room and turned on Netflix. "Yo." Sam's called over to Jess. Hearing her voice she cocked her head to see Sam and Adam entering the apartment. "How's Jules?" Jesse asked, turning her attention back to the TV. "She's alright, Jin didn't mess her up really so here I am." "And me!" Adam chipped in. The front door clicked open again. Weecha, now clearly uneasy, clenched her jaw and adjusted her position to have an quicker access to her weapon. "Ricky, stop! I wanted to play!" Drew & Ricky bolted into the apartment ran up the staircase into Drew's bedroom. Reddington let out a small chuckle and looked over at Weecha. "Sweet boys, Drew and Ricky. They were just small boys when they came in and took to Jesse. Though they're about 9-10 years apart, they always saw her as like a mother. She raised them in a lot of ways so they live here with her." "And they fight?" Weecha asks, apprehensively. "Everyone here fights, Weecha." Reddington replied.
Adam and Samantha sat on the love seat next to Jesse's arm chair. He put his arm around her as they looked up to see what was on the TV. "Too Hot To Handle? Isn't that that show where hot fuckers can't fuck?" Sam asked. "Yeah, there's a prize fund and everything. They try to get them to prioritize making a connection emotionally rather than physically. So no sex for the summer or however long it is." Jess explained. Reddington stood up and made his way to the living room, to see what show they were talking about. He sat down in the other armchair next to Jesse and reached over to hold her hand. "I couldn't do that..." Adam said, leaning his head into Sam's neck, and quickly nipping at it. The two were the most sex crazed couple in the industry. As two sex addicts, they were always ready to jump each other and often publicly made it known or found ways to sneak around to have sex whether in public or not. Lucky for them, it made Jesse nor Raymond any less comfortable as they were very sexually open people and quite open minded. Despite the hard exterior each fighter had and even Reddington upheld, they each had their softer and more vulnerable sides shown around each other as a sign of trust but also, acknowledge as family.
Sam turned her head, getting Adam from her neck to her lips. "I can barely keep my hands off you for one day, let alone a whole summer." She said between breaths as she kissed him. Adam's excitement was clear as he wore a form fitting pair of sweatpants and was sitting with his leads spread apart as if waiting for Sam to straddle him. Jesse looked over at Raymond, looking for a response. "I've gone longer." He said, still looking at the Tv. Feeling Jesse's stare, he turned to look at her. "Not that I'd want to go without when it comes to you.." he flirted at her. "Mm" was all Jess gave him in response before turning her head back towards the TV. Jesse was a woman who clearly was taught to be strong, independent and not give in. With that, her development in love and relationships steered her towards being the dominant partner especially to the public. No one ever saw her feminine side, let alone not in complete control in situations. Publicly, Jesse wore the pants in the relationship between her and Reddington. Not that he was submissive to her but he listened when she spoke and allowed her to guide him at times when they walked together. Granted, this was her home for many years and Reddington was quite new to it all but he allowed her to be in control when it came to public appearances. Behind closed doors, Jesse's biggest desire was to be completely used and submissive to Reddington. Not that she became any more feminine, but she listened in the bedroom & he controlled her sexually, just the way she liked it.
Weecha stopped speaking when she noticed Sam climb on top of Adam as they kissed. She was mid conversation with Dembe when she grew rather apprehensive about everything and just wanted to focus on Reddington's safety and the complete disregard for respect that Sam and Adam had. She stood quietly, eyeing everyone down in the living room. Once it got to the point of dry humping, Jesse tossed a pillow at Sam's head and called out, "either get a room or let me join but stop fucking on my couch!" Sam looked back at Jesse devilishly and proceed to get up from Edge's lap. She grabbed her hand and lead him towards the front door. Sam pressed her finger against the scanner and Adam did too, both leaving to their apartment to finish what they had started. Dembe, now used to all the banter and mannerisms of everyone, found what was going on to be normal. "Fucksake, can't even watch TV without those two jumping on each other. Makes me wonder who has less self control, us or them?" Jess said, focusing her attention back on the TV. "Clearly they have less control." Raymond quietly chuckled to himself. Jess cocked her head towards Red after that comment. "Hm?" Red mumbled seeing Jess's head turned and unsure why. "Do you think?" Jess asked, smirking. Red stayed quiet. "No, go ahead. Tell me. You think they have less self control as a couple than we do. That you have more control to not jump me and I have more control to not jump you, than they do?" Her voice teased his ears as she spoke. He continued to stay quiet. "Don't get shy now..." She continued. Red bit his lip, getting turned on at the idea that she could be angry but also could be wanting to prove a point. "I mean, they just-" Jesse cut him off before he could continue by straddling Ray and putting his hands behind his head quickly. "They just what?" She asked softly. "Couldn't keep their hands off each other? Had to leave to go fuck? Tortured by the thought of keeping it in their pants?" With each breath she took speaking, she got closer to his ear so he heard everything clearly while also feeling her warmth tickle him. Reddington was beyond aroused. Jesse could feel his length poking through his pants. "Those pants are far too expensive to stretch that way..." She leaned in closer and whispered to him. A wavering breath escaped Red's lips as that's all he could get out. "Self control is awfully important in your line of work, Raymond." She carefully pronounced his name, tantalizing his ears once more.
Weecha looked back towards Dembe, clearly unamused and uncomfortable but knowing it no longer became her business. Dembe smiled, seeing Weecha was not used to his atmosphere. "Why don't we go watch some matches? Get a thrill from the screams and fights. It's more exciting than you think." Dembe asked her. She didn't respond, unsure if she should leave Reddington. Dembe leaned in and continued, "He's fine. The apartment has security protocols, he's got his piece, she can fight her way out of anything, you can trust this." Weecha took a deep breath of apprehension but nodded. Dembe and her quietly made their way out of the apartment.
"How much self control do you think you have, Raymond Reddington?" Jesse carefully whispered his full name out, knowing it not only got a rise out of Red but slight antagonized him. He said nothing, still aching to plow into her and desperate to break from her grasp but not wanting to give her the satisfaction of knowing he was weak for her. She leaned into his face, her nose almost gracing his and whispered, "show me." Almost as if those words broke him from the spell, he instantly broke from her grip and grabbed Jesse. His left hand gripped the back of her head firmly as his right hand pressed against her throat as he carefully choked her a bit. The quick change in domination sparked a fire in Jesse, getting her hornier. She smiled devilishly at him while grabbing small bits of air. Red pulled her head into his lips and kissed her with great force and passion, slightly lightening the grip on her throat so she can breathe. His tongue danced in her mouth as he pushed it deeper into her throat, almost claiming ownership of it. He pulled her away and watched as she gasped for air. "Go to the bedroom." He sternly demanded as he let go of her. Jesse quickly headed up the stairs and into their bedroom while Raymond slowly stomped his way up trailing behind her. By the time he got into the room, she had already quickly taken her tops and bottoms off in anticipation. Noticing her undressed, he snarled a bit and muttered, "I didn't ask for you to be undressed." Jesse shyly moved her legs as she laid across the bed. Reddington made his way to her slowly, wanting to drag her anticipation out more. He slowly removed his coat, unbuttoned his vest followed by his collared shirt. He then slowly unbuttoned his pants and stood there in front of her, completely undone but not yet unclothed. He took a moment, just being there and eyeing every inch of her body. He then proceeded to take his own clothes off slowly, piece of piece as Jesse watched, almost salivating over him. He made it down to his boxer briefs and slowly unveiled his proud standing cock. "Drop your head off the bed & take this throat fucking." He said in a strict tone. She obliged and hung her head off the bed, lied on her back and allowed him into her mouth immediately. He was a thick 5 inches which didn't choke Jesse but did get to the back of her throat. Reddington leaned in, inserting his stiffness into her mouth, going in and out, getting her throat accustomed to the feel. Jesse worked her tongue a bit as she bobbed her head a bit as he pumped into her. A dragged out moan escaped Red's mouth. He placed both hands on the sides of  her chest to get leverage and began quickly pounding into her mouth. The pressure of his hands and the fact that his balls were pounding her face gave Jesse breath stimulation and breath play which she thoroughly enjoyed. "I'm going to use your fucken throat the way I want." He grunted out as he continuously pounded into her. He could feel himself reaching his climax and slowly down to keep the session going. He pulled up with force, seeing the string of saliva still attached from his cock to Jess's mouth. "Dirty.." he whispered as he wiped the saliva off. "Face down, ass up." He commanded her as he approached her body once more. Jesse's biggest desire was for Red to use her anyway that he wanted. To the public, she was incredibly dominant and powerful but with him, she wanted to be used as if she were nothing. She did as she was told as she propped her behind up towards him. "Mmm...look at that fucking ass." Red groaned out before winding his hand back and spanking it, creating a red hand sized mark across her ass cheek. She whimpered a bit as she felt the strike and it stung. Raymond circled her lips with the tip of his cock to lubricate it a bit before entering her. The feeling of being full from side to side made Jess arch her body a bit in pleasure. He may not have had the longest cock but his girth filled her up entirely. He took a sharp breath in as he entered, her pussy tightly grabbing onto his cock. "Fuuck" he groaned out. He reached out to her hips and grabbed them with force and pulled them into his body. "I want to be deep inside you!" He said aloud his head cocked back, his eyes closed, almost as if he was screaming to nothing. He pushed himself further in before quickening his pace to fast and sturdy thrusts. "Ooh fuck me, please fuck me" Jesse whined our as he sped up and began pounding her faster. Her breasts matched the pace and bounced hard when his hips make contact with hers. He grabbed one breast with one hand, leaving the other as leverage for his fucking. With a squeeze to her breast, Reddington could feel the friction was overwhelming and it sent him over the edge. "Ahh, Ah, AHH, ARGG!" He grunted louder as he spurt of warm cum shot into her. He doubled over her back as he caught his breath, his length slowly softening inside of her before it eventually falls out. "Fuck." Jess said breathlessly. They both rolled onto their backs for the moment to catch their breath, in complete satisfaction with what they just did. "Mmm." Jesse softly moaned out, glad things ended the way they did. Reddington looked over and smiled. He rolled to his side, faced her and said, "Shall I run a bath or a shower?" Jesse, exhausted, replied with, "you can run the blanket over me as I am ready for a nap!" Raymond leaned over and reached his hands towards her slit. He gently massaged the opening of her with his finger before focusing in on her clit a bit. "Ahh but you have get my cum out of you.." he sweetly said to her. Enjoying the feel of his hand on her, she squirmed and asked, "do I?" He growled a bit in enjoyment of the idea that she wanted his cum to stay inside of her but knowing what was best, he insisted. "As much as that thought arouses me to no end, I insist." He continued to gently rub on her clit. "Mmm, a shower will suffice." She said, her head pushed into the pillow as she was getting close with his stimulation. "As you wish." He said with such elegance as he swiftly removed his hand and got up to start a shower. Jess squirmed, wishing he let her finish again and hating being teased by him but loving when he knows just what to do to get her going.

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