Not The Time Or The Place!

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The next day Jesse was hanging out in the gym while blasting music through the speakers. She had put on her electro pads for some stimulation while she rehearsed by herself with Daniel. Sometimes she liked to get extra practice time in with some songs just to really hone in on certain parts. She was practicing "Tek it" by Cafuné, trying to get her voice in a bit of a higher register but failing. "You're likely going to have to do the lower octave and let Sam take that part." Daniel said, taking his headphones off. "Yeah probably." Jess shook her head in disappointment but it was something she knew would likely happen.
Jess sat in one of the chairs as she normally did, leaning into it, with her pelvis a bit more forward, resembling how a man would sit if he wanted a woman to sit on his lap. She often has masculine tendencies as such that she felt comfortable displaying at the arena, as to where she didn't display such masculine mannerisms in public during the day. "I had no idea you could sing." A vastly familiar voice immediately shook Jess's attention as she whipped her head to the door and stood up almost at full attention. "Interesting how those pads work." The voice continued. Jess stood in shock staring at the two people that had just entered the gym. "How..." was all Jess was able to sputter out before the woman's smile brought comfort to her heart. Jesse's biological parents weren't the caring type or the type who should have children at all. That trait seemed to be something that ran in the family that Jess desperately aspired to break. Due to her lack of parental influence, Jess grew up a bit oddly, and to the trained eye, obviously lacking something. Jess was always a musical person, learning multiple instruments and joining orchestra in school. Her orchestral teacher from middle school to high school was Christina Penning. Once Jess was in 8th grade, Mrs Penning took note as to how Jess behaved in school. She was almost too good of a kid to a fault, as if she lived in fear. After weeks of studying and prying, Mrs Penning figured that Jess didn't have a family that supported her the proper way. She stepped in and quickly began teaching Jess "rights and wrongs" and how to not let people affect her emotions. She allowed Jess to vent when she needed, taught her about being a woman, was there for her first boyfriend and just all around was the mother Jess always needed. Mrs Penning wasn't the only one helping out though. Her husband, Mr Penning, saw what his wife was doing and became a father figure for Jess. Being there when Jess felt like she couldn't go to Mrs Penning, being a silent stable rock in her life who never pried for information but was a shoulder to cry on if things too got too much. It had been a bit over a year since Jesse had seen Mr & Mrs Penning as Jess was trying to live her adult life without hounding her old teachers for parental guidance. Even though they never made her feel like one, Jess was always worried about being a burden as the Penning's did have their own kids to raise. They occasionally spoke on the phone but nothing major. They never knew Jess had been fighting for all these years and now had an explanation for some of her injuries and missed days of school.
"Mom." Jess mumbled before going up to Mrs Penning and hugging her. Mr Penning gently rubbed Jess's back as his wife embraced her. "Hey Dad." Jess said, with a timid smile. Reddington entered the gym seeing as Jess had found her surprise. "Surprise?" Red said smiling. Jess was in such excitement to see her parents that the fact that they were actually there didn't settle in until moments later. " did you get them here?" Jess asked Red. "They know about this place now...they know what I do?" Jess began panicking a bit as the realities came to light. "Relax honey, relax. I went ahead and gave them a small tour. I told them a bit about what you, they just watched you sing a bit from the security cameras, I explained a bunch of things including us." Red softly and slowly spoke to Jess with her hands on her shoulders, aiming to calm her. "Us?" She asked curiously. "Yes, about us being together." Red replied with a smile. Jess was nervous as she was unsure if her parents had any idea who Raymond Reddington was but by the smile in their faces, they didn't seem to. "I...I'm sorry you have to see me like this." Jess stuttered a bit, unsure of what to do now as she stood in the gym with nothing but a bra, shorts and sneakers. "I'll grab you a shirt, honey." Red said as he went to the changing area to grab something from Jess's bag.
"God! I'm so horny I could fuck anything right about now!" Sam said at the top of her lungs as she busted through the gym doors. Jess cringed with the feeling of embarrassment and awkwardness. "Um, Sam?" Jess tried to get her attention. "Shit, you're way ahead of me. What's up, Daniel! Hook me up! Whose these fucks?" Sam said noticing Jess was hooked up to her pads, Daniel was by his set up and two very out of place adults stood in the corner. "Um, maybe relax, Sam?" Jess awkwardly said. "The fuck is wrong with you?" Sam asked, noticing Jess's cringing face. "Those...are my parents?" Jess said, almost questioning herself as to why she would tell Sam that. "Ayy, so that's my mom and dad too!" Sam held her hand up for a high five to both Mr & Mrs Penning who weren't in complete shock but found Sam to be a bit odd. "I'm sorry guys, this is Samantha, she is one of my best friends here. We're basically sisters." "Twins is more like it." Sam interrupted taking her phone out and grabbing a seat. She sent a text to Adam and put her phone back in her pocket. "Fuck! I wish Edge were here to rail me!" Sam yelled out. "Okay, maybe this isn't the time or the place, Sam!" Jess awkwardly shouted at Sam, trying to get her to stop being herself around her parents. "Oh come on, stop acting like you and Red didn't have wild victory sex all over your apartment last night." Sam spoke out. Reddington tossed a grey t shirt at Jesse, who caught it and quickly put it on. "We didn't. I had a meeting early morning. Tonight perhaps?" Red winked at her, answering for Jess. "My PARENTS!" Jess shouted again, awkwardly standing in the middle of everyone. "Come on, you're grown, they know you have sex." Sam chuckled. "Yeah...but...I-" Jess stuttered a bit, not completely any idea of a sentence and not knowing how to respond. She was filled with awkwardness and just froze where she was. "We should start rehearsing something before I get too far gone. Your man is starting to look awfully sexy." Sam said, eyeing Reddington as she was still very horny. "Oh fuck off!" Jess playfully pushed Sam. "There she is, she's back." Sam cheered sarcastically.
"I'm not going to rehearse with parents here." Jess said, removing to pads from her body and hanging them up. "More attention for me then." Sam said, tying her hair up in a pony tail. "Um, want to see our place?" Jess asked, turning to Mr & Mrs Penning who weren't sure if they should laugh at the environment or  concerned although they knew not to be concerned. They trusted Jess and her choices in life whether they agreed with them or not. They knew they did the best their could in teaching her and were lead to believe she ended up well enough to make good decisions.
They made their way to the apartment and entered. Red immediately hung his hat and jacket and made his way to the bar. "Drinks, anyone?" He asked.

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