Jack the Giant Slayer-Oneshot

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            “Isabelle…?” The blonde haired princess looked over to the brown haired boy, tilting her head as she buttoned her dress shirt up.

            “Hm?” she hummed in acknowledgement, noting he looked incredibly nervous, which she mistook for nervousness about going to the ball.

            “Can I talk to you?” Jack asked and Isabelle nodded.

            “What is it Jack?” she questioned, looking slightly worried from the tone in the other’s voice.

            “I…” he paused and then shook his head, putting up the usual fake smile that she always bought. “Nothing, never mind.” He said and she smiled back, nodding.

            “Well then, come on, you need to get dressed, and I will not have my husband looking like a ratty old farmer.” She said, not noticing her mistake as he flinched to those words.

            “Y-yes…” he mumbled, frowning when she turned away from him, tears threatening to spill but he bit them back in fear of what she would think; of what she would say if she found out.

            You see, Jack wasn’t like what everyone thought. He wasn’t like the fearless version of himself when taking on those giants, not like what everyone kept saying. But in truth, he was just a scared, lost, puppy looking for a home and a family, looking for someone to love and for someone to love him as who he was: just a regular, eighteen year old boy who constantly found himself scared of every little thing and who was also secretly gay as of nine months ago, when Isabelle began insulting him and expecting him to be who he wasn’t.

            He dressed up in the suit she gave him, forcing a smile when she turned to him once more before saying farewell and heading out with her friends to the ball.

            He just nodded to the half-hearted goodbyes and sighed, sniffling as he wiped away the first few tears.

            Isabelle, his wife of a year now, was not the sweet, cute, funny girl that he met at the play of Erik the Great and the giants, no she was a cruel, selfish, princess who regarded him like a ruined book and treated him like he was just another common dog, a man who cared nothing for feelings or for other people. And it hurt, hurt so much that he no longer felt any feelings for the beautiful princess and actually feared her more than anything, more than the giants he once fought.

            “You alright kid?” Jack looked up suddenly, surprised to hear the familiar voice and then smiled brightly, his eyes wide with excitement.

            “Elmont!” he shouted, before running over to the captain turned traveler.

            Seven months ago, Elmont, the king’s finest captain, had announced to the kingdom that he was going to become a traveler; no one knew why though and it saddened Jack to hear that since the man was the one who Jack actually trusted and felt safe near. You could even say that Jack developed a small crush on him.

            Elmont chuckled as he caught the boy in a tight hug, hugging him back tighter. “You miss me that much huh?”

            “Y-you were gone for over six months!” The boy whined and Elmont laughed at the childish whine.

            “Sorry about that, you know, lots of places to explore, new people to meet, it takes a while to do.” Elmont apologized before adding. “How’s Isabelle? You surviving the marriage?” he joked but quieted his laughter as Jack buried his head in his chest. “Jack, what’s wrong?” he asked, genuinely worried.

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