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I hate this. Just because some asshole whore decided to blame me for her boyfriend breaking up with her, I got kicked out.
I was expelled from my school and kicked out of my home. I have nowhere to go and no way of making money. 17 years old and stranded on my own. Okay, technically, I'm not "on my own", I'm living with my uncle. But he has no clue what he's doing, and he's constantly in and out of jobs every day. This is not a healthy lifestyle.

So what if I got in a measly fight? It's not like I did permanent damage to that weasely bitch's face. Besides, we won the court fight and had her charged with assault and I got off with a warning because while I was using violence in a school setting, it was self-defence. She struck first.

It's still completely retarded that my own parents kicked me out and sent me to live with this pathetic excuse for an uncle.

Okay okay, I didn't mean that. I still love him and all, but let's be serious. How am I supposed to have a future living like this?!

I'm not usually a bad student or even a bad person at that. I just really can't believe that I had to be transferred to West Valley High, in stupid Atlanta, Georgia. I am currently 14 hours away from my parents. 14 hours away from all my friends in Toronto. I hate this so much. I mean, my parents and I were always distant, but how could they be so cruel as to ship me away from my whole life!?

Hopefully, it won't take me long to get a job, make some money, and find my own place to rent. Then I'll be better off, and there will be good vibes for success.

For now, I just have to worry about my first day of school tomorrow.

"Hey, sweetie. Are you settled in alright?" My uncle walks into the bedroom I'll be staying in.

"Umm, yeah, thanks." I hang my last sweater up in the closet.

"There's a Mini-Mart a few blocks down in the Reseda Sripmall if you want to go out and get any snacks and stuff for yourself. There's money on the counter. I'm going to go out and see if anyone new is hiring. I could really use some employment, huh? " He smiles small with the corner of his mouth. I don't reply. He nods dejectedly and turns around. Walking back out of the room.

A few seconds later, I hear the door open and close behind him. Maybe I will go check out that store. I could use a few snacks and shit. At least it gets me out of this dingy apartment, right?

I grab my favourite hoodie, black with a small intricate Zoo York logo on the front and a giant eagle on the back. The inside hood is a lime neon green. Same with the sleeve cuffs, the pocket interior, and the inside lining.

I pull it over my head, snuggling against the bagginess and oversizing that gives me so much comfort. I slip my phone and wallet into my pocket and pull the hood up over my long, wavy brown hair, I have 90s layering, though it's 2017, and the tips are lightly faded died black. Matching with my black highlights.

I make sure my hair is tucked right into my hood and front before I grab my Vans shoes and house keys, with a little pocket knife linked and hidden among the keys.

I want to be prepared for anything and everything possible. I've heard so much about how bad the streets are in every state of America, and while I'm only going a couple of blocks and it might just be a stereotype, I'm not taking any chances of being raped, mugged, or kidnapped.

I guess we'll just have to see, won't we?


I turn the corner to the third block away from my uncle's. As soon as I turn, I see the Reseda Stripmall. And sure enough, when I reach the variety of shops, I can see a sign reading "Mini-Mart". In Canada, we typically call them convenience stores or general stores, and they're typically attached to a gas station, though not always.

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