chapter two

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Jisung tugged at his best friend's arm, pulling him towards the hallway Minho's locker was in.

"Come on Felix!! I've gotta see his reaction when he reads my note!!" He whisper-yelled.

"Aish Sungie, you're going too fast, I can't keep up" Felix complained.

"Quit complaining- oh! There he is!!" Jisung exclaimed, hiding behind a nearby trash can.

Felix sighed and picked up Jisung by the back of his collar, "Jisung don't do that, you look creepy"

"But he'll see me!!"

"No he wont, and if he does you'll embarrass yourself, here stand up and pretend to be reading this" Felix said, handing Jisung a random book.

Jisung sighed heavily. "Fineee- ooh! Look he's opening it!"

Both Felix and Jisung stayed quiet, watching Minho carefully open the note, reading it out loud to his best friend, Changbin.

"Oh my god that's so embarrassing, he's reading it to Changbin" Jisung said, tugging at Felix's sweater sleeve.

Felix however, was caught in a haze, he was watching Changbin laugh, talking to Minho about something un-audible.
Not noticing that they were walking towards him and Jisung.

Jisung yelped slightly, doing what Felix instructed and pretended to be reading the book, but Felix was too late, Changbin had noticed him staring.

Felix turned a bright shade of red as Changbin smiled at him, before disappearing into a classroom.

Felix looked at Jisung with wide eyes, while Jisung just laughed.

"I cant believe you were the one who was telling ME i was gonna get caught" Jisung managed to say, he was laughing too much.

"Yah shh- im sure its nothing anyways- let's just say it was a coincidence that i was looking at him while he walked past" Felix gushed.

"Mhmm~ and everyone is going to believe that- come on dude you were literally looking at him with heart eyes-" Jisung got cut off by a soft punch from Felix.
"Yah- okay okay I'll stop-" Jisung smirked as they made their way to their classroom.





i hope youre enjoying my story so far~

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