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PLAYY THE SONG-childish Gambino me and your mama sped up!!

Y/n pov:
Ugh my alarm clock goes off and I shove my face into my pillow "Ughh" I say.

"Y/n wake up!" My mom calls out to me

"ok, I'm waking up," I say in a raspy tone.
I do my make-up and change then I leave the house.

I was wearing a skirt and a lace top.

As I'm walking I see Gwen and Finn when they saw me they had big smiles on their faces. I was excited to see them after so long.

"HII!!!" both of them say "Hi!" I say as I'm hugging Gwen and then Finney.

"I missed u soo much," Gwen says.

"Same let's go to class bc we are going to be late," I said

we start walking but we all see a fight so we go and check it out.

when I get there I see Robin beating Moose up yk robin looks cute I say in my mind wait WTH did I just say no no I can't like him he's so gross.

I realized I was looking at Robin and then he looked
at me and then gets back to fighting moose.

" HEYY y/nnn you're staring at Robin u like him😏" Finn said.

"Ewww no he's gross I would never like him!"I said making fake gagging noises.

"Sure u do," says Gwen with a smirk on her face.

"Shut up and take that smirk off your face anyway let's just go," I said glaring at Gwen.

"Wait what classes do u have I have math," I say.

"uh I have science," says Gwen.
"what about u?" I say to Finn.

"reading, Wait let me see your paper y/n" Then Finn snatched my paper out of my hand, rude much?
"Uh y/n I think u have all your classes with Robin," Finn says with a worried face.

"WHAT???" I say I can't he has to be joking I say to myself.
"Enough of talking we have to get to class," says Gwen everyone nods.

Robins pov:

The first day of school and I'm already in a fight great. But as I was fighting Moose I look over at Y/n she was staring at me I looked
at her for a bit and then started fighting Moose again but y/n... looked soo pretty wait what am I saying
no she is gross snap out of it, Robin.

I heard the bell ring "shit" I whispered to myself I get in class 5 mins late and see Y/n. Just great.

"Robin sit next to y/n," the teacher says "Fine," I say I go ahead and sit next to her. I Was not happy to see her but
the bad thing is if anyone looks and HOLDs eye contact I blush so red.

Only 5 mins left, god I don't understand this I mumbled under my breath," Of course, u don't dipshit"
y/n says with a bitchy tone.

"Y/N L/N PRINCIPAL OFFICE NOW!!" The teacher says.

Y/n looks at me and says bitch under her breath.

I tell u pu$$y "ROBIN ARELLANO PRINCIPLE OFFICE TOO!"  The teacher says.

Me and Y/n start to Walk away to the principal
office until I see Finn "Hey what happened why are y'all walking together to the office?"
Says Finn.

"Idk honestly I guess someone Was being a dipshit," says y/n with that bitchy tone again. "Yeah your right it was you bitch" I say back.

"You know u and y/n make a great couple😏" Finn says with a smirk on his face.

"NO!" Both I and y/n say.
"Anyway I have to get to class see u lovebirds," Finn says.

" shut up," I say.

Well now I'm in a room with y/n in a detention room. " u and y/n need to get more friendly, yk I'm
going to make u partners for the project so y'all can become friends, about two more fights, and your suspended robin" I stayed quiet so did y/n but... idk how I fell abt Her do  I hate her or do I l-like h-her? It doesn't matter I guess.

Y/n pov

* 45 mins pass bye and they left and now y/n Is walking with Donna, Finn, and Gwen it was lunch time *

"u and Robin look so cute together," Gwen said with a smile platted on her face.

"We should hang out at my house at like 6 or something" Finn Said. " wait I have to do a project with Robin when school is over," I said.

"oooooh Robin!!! U sure both of y'all r going to do something more than study y/n?" Donna said with a flirty tone "Shut up" I told Donna.

I told them that ima go so I went to find Robin only to know that they followed me. I saw Robin was beating moose up again we all went over there.

Robin was beating him up badly "Don't talk about them like that" Robin said in an angry tone I figured that he was talking about Finn or Gwen.

Time skip

Finn pov

After the fight, my bullies were following me. I ran into a stall and locked myself in there for a bit until I heard a voice I knew that it was Robins.

"Dipshits move" after robin said that I went out of the stall.

" hey Finn what's happening?" Robin said washing the blood off his hands.

Yk just keeping on keeping on I guess" I said.

I tried to pretend that they weren't chasing me but I guess Robin knew

"moose got some damn sharp teeth," Robin said still washing the blood off his hands.

I saw that my bullies were abt to leave until Robin said something.
" Wait, fuck with Finn and I fuck with u...... you can leave now" Robin said.

then they left
" Finn your going to have to stand up for yourself one day" robin said then I nodded.

"hey why'd u fight moose?" I said.
That was the one thing that was running through my head.

"He was just shit-talking," he said with a weird tone.

"about you? Does he have a death wish or something" I laughed while I said that.
" uh no he wasn't talking about me he was about someone else," he said with a weird tone again.

" who was it? I promise I won't tell anyone" I said.
"ugh fine but u can't tell anyone it was um y-y/n," he said while getting paper and wrapping it around his knuckles.

I was so shocked but he hates her then I yell " WHAT U LIKE HER???" I said in a surprised tone.

" shut up Finn no I don't." He said.

"Ok but do you wanna come over to my house for a sleepover?" I said.

"Uh yeah sure what time?" Robin said.

"At 6 pm," I said.

"Yeah I'll be there," he said.


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OK IK THIS SOO BAD THIS IS MY FIRST STORY btw the next chapter is in a diff format for example it gonna look like this

F-  jajwjsjssi

Btw ima switch it every chapter but the same 2 formats any tips let me know!! Sry if I missed some spelling errors this so short too

*𝙒𝙀 𝙁𝙀𝙇𝙇 𝙄𝙉 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀 𝙄𝙉 𝙊𝘾𝙏𝙊𝘽𝙀𝙍~𝙍𝙊𝘽𝙄𝙉 𝘼𝙍𝙀𝙇𝙇𝘼𝙉𝙊Where stories live. Discover now