Lo'ak: Leaving your home

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Summary: Lo'ak and his family are leaving the jungle and the omatikaya clan. And you, Lo'ak's girlfriend have to go with due to causing a ton of havoc for the sky people. But your horrible parents argue that you stay.

Rating: Angst to Fluff

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Aggressive yelling, name calling and abuse!

Extra notes:im not quite sure where they live after the jungle was destroyed so let's pretend they live by the tree of souls 😭 and I'm also calling the housing a hut ok? 😊

                              3rd POV
"We have to go, it's the only choice we got" Jake spoke towards his wife.

She was panicking and slightly yelling. "No! This is our home Jake. We can't just leave, we fought so hard to protect this place!"

"I know, I know but listen." Jake took neytiris face in his hands gently. "It's for the kids and us, he only wants us we can't endanger our kids and the whole clan. It's best we leave"

Neytiri didn't agree with this but after some convincing she agreed.

"How do we tell the kids?" Neytiri asked.

"Don't worry I'll tell them"

"And what about Lo'ak? You know he's gonna be hurt even worse knowing we would leave Y/N"

"Actually about that, I think it's best if we took her with us as well."

"What? You want to take Y/N with? She has her own family here, which we can't take them"

"Y/N has been on so many raids with us, she's caused to much havoc for the sky people that it's unsafe for her to stay here"

"Are you sure?"


And with that Neytiri and Jake told their kids what's happening and their plan. Of course Lo'ak was hurt and panicked due to leaving his girlfriend behind.

"What about Y/N? I can't leave her here!" Lo'ak argued.

"She's coming with" Jake simply told his son.



Lo'ak smiled relieved and hugged his dad. "Can I go tell her?"

"I think it's best if we go together"

Quickly Jake and Lo'ak left to find Y/N somewhere. Lo'ak figured since he knew you so well that you were probably with your ikran, Altair.

"She's probably flying somewhere" Lo'ak muttered as him and his father explored throughout the jungle.

Soon after they heard a loud cawing noise and a shadow loomed above them.

Quickly getting out the way, an Ikran landed near where Jake and Lo'ak stood.

"Hi guys! Heard you were looking for me?" Y/N asked cheerfully.

"Yes uh we have to speak with you about something important" Jake replied a bit hesitant.

He was unsure on how to tell you that you had to leave the jungle with him and his family. He also had a feeling you weren't gonna take it well either.

"Oh ok" Y/N muttered. She detached her bond with her Ikran and gave it a nod for it to fly off. "So what is it?"

"Well we're not sure how to tell you this but-" Jake was cut off by his son.

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