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-But She's A Girl...-

Link pushed through the crowded hallways trying his best to just make it to his first class. It was the first day of school, which meant everything would be chaotic. There were school uniforms and honestly nobody even liked the uniforms.
"Link!" He heard someone call out for him, he jumped to the side of the crowd to see who had called after him. A sweet girl ran over to where he had been as well. The girl caught her breath with a smile.
Link sighed in relief as he saw it was just Mipha. Mipha nodded and glanced into the hallways once more. She stumbled backwards as someone shoved her. It was an archer, you could tell by the obvious bow.
"Watch it you- Mipha?" The Archer jumped into the side like the other two with a slight smile. "You okay?" He silently asked, Mipha laughed slightly with a nod. She nudged him teasingly, Link smiled and hummed as a hello.
"Hey Mutey." The Archer teased, Mipha shoved him. He scoffed and looked back in offense.
"What!?" Mipha rolled her eyes, Link stared at them slightly zoning out the more he stared. Mipha had their uniform on, a red skirt that she had sewed all the way to her knees, a cardigan with a collared white button down and brown Mary Janes with white socks that were lower than they were supposed to be. Revali and Link had pretty much the same, except they had blue trousers instead of a skirt and they also had a more neat kind of brown shoes instead.
"Boo!" Everyone jumped as another girl came from behind Mipha, Mipha spun around and laughed when she saw who it was.
"Zelda! How have you been?" Mipha hugged her tightly, Revali shared a glance with Link. 'She didn't give us hugs' Revali mouthed to Link, the other boy snickered with a slight nod.
"Alright you two, we should head to class." Revali announced for Link, Zelda pulled out of the hug and nodded.
"I have health first hour, but I can meet up with you all in a bit." Mipha sadly said, Link glanced at the others.
"It's okay, I think we have that one baking class together." Zelda added, Mipha nodded. She glanced up at the clock and turned to start walking into the hallway.
"I'll see you guys later!" With that, she walked into the now empty ish hallway and went out of sight.
"Me and Mutey have the same class for this hour, what do you have?" Revali asked, Link walked over to Zelda with Revali.
"Shoot I have Chemistry with the three I need to start going!" Zelda turned and looked down the hallway. They called Impa, Purah and Robbie the three. As they were always together. "Bye see you all at Lunch!" With that, Zelda ran down the hallway. Revali glanced at Link with a smile. Link rarely talked, the only way he expressed himself was emotions and even that was sometimes rare.
"Let's get going, class is about to start." Link nodded and began to follow Revali through the hallways.

Revali began to walk to his 4th hour, meeting up with Mipha per usual. "Well hello Tiny Nurse." Mipha rolled her eyes and began to walk besides Revali. Revali was pretty tall, the tallest of the group actually. 
"Hey I was gonna ask earlier, but me and Zelda plan on hanging out after school if you'd like to come." Mipha said, she was lying. Mipha didn't really understand why she said that, she wanted it to seem like she was actually close with Zelda and not just jealous. Revali's brows furrowed as he realized she was lying.
"Sorry, but I'm hanging out with Mutey after school." He answered, not even realizing he had apologized until after he spoke. Mipha nodded understanding.
"This may sound mean, but what do you do with Link? He doesn't talk much, I don't even remember his voice." Revali snickered shaking his head slightly. The truth was that Link was a good listener, and sometimes Revali was able to tell what he wanted to say without him actually saying it. Revali thought for a moment.
"It's uh...hard to explain." He simply answered, Mipha hummed as they arrived at their destination.
"Lady's first." Mipha opened the door for Revali.
"Hey, wha-" Mipha pushed him inside and walked in herself. Revali gave Mipha a glare as they walked through the classroom.

Lunch came fast for everyone. Zelda walked down the hallway, she was kind of close with the three, but as usual not as close as her group. She caught up with the others in the line.
"You made it." Revali blandly noted, Zelda rolled her eyes.  Mipha quickly grabbed the sushi the second she saw it. Revali rolled his eyes and walked slightly farther to grab some chicken.
"I thought you didn't like to hurt animals." Revali joked as they sat at their usual table. Zelda sat besides Mipha.
"I don't, but I'm not killing a fish am I?" Mipha answered, Revali rolled his eyes not really knowing what to say.
"Well you-" Link threw his trey onto the table, the other two didn't notice his anger. Zelda stared at Revali waiting for him to continue.
"What's up with you?" Revali asked, Link glared at Revali, he made some random sign that Revali and him had made up a while back.
"Oh my Hylia, you have to go to Archery." Link pouted slightly, Zelda stared at them in confusion as Revali argued with the speechless Hylian.
"Do you know what their talking about?" Zelda wispered to Mipha, she shook her head and ate her sushi in content. It wasn't everyday you watched two Hylians argue but one wasn't even speaking.
The two began to giggle as Revali started to get more and more frustrated.
"What are you two laughing at!?" Revali angrily asked, Link went to bang his head on the table, Revali without a thought caught his head. Mipha nodded impressed.
"One less wound I'll have to fix up." Revali rolled his eyes and gently put Links head upwards again. The Hylian glared at the other and stuffed his face into Revali's shoulder.
"Link stop pouting this is ridiculous." Link started to shake Revali violently in frustration. Revali pushed him away but as he did Link dramatically fell backwards onto the empty seats.
"You've killed him!" Zelda joked, Revali groaned, he shook his head and turned to the other two Hylians.
"So, still on for after school?" Revali asked Zelda, giving Mipha a glance. Mipha grew nervous realizing he knew she was lying before, but that also meant he lied.
"Yup! I'll see you after archery." Zelda answered, Revali nodded. He turned to Link and got tackled.
"AH!" Revali fell backwards onto the seats as Link tackled him. Zelda began to snicker at the two. Mipha couldn't help but giggle slightly.
"Get off you demon!" Revali fought for his life, eventually pushed Link off. Revali scoffed and fixed his hair.

.After School.

Zelda walked out of the library just in time for archery to be over soon. She walked over to a slight slope that peared over the field they practiced at. Zelda sat down on the bench and took out some flash cards. She was intruppted by someone scaring her.
"Hi Zelda!" Mipha smiled at Zelda, but somehow it looked fake. Zelda raised a brow but scooched to let Mipha sit herself down.
"Are you okay?" Zelda asked, worried for her friend. She always wanted to be there for anyone no matter what.
"Oh uhm..." Mipha sat there, she clenched her jaw slightly nervous. Zelda patted her shoulder as a sign of comfort.
"It's okay, take your time but I'll always be here for you Mipha." Mipha stared at Zelda, she wanted to tell her.
"It's just that...I don't know, everyone seems to ignore me and I just hate it you know? I'm left out of conversations and when I realize I am I just feel horrible." She tried to explain, Zelda nodded understanding. She grabbed her hands gently and stared at her softly.
"It's okay, you have done so much. Link and Revali really do like you, even if that archer never admits it your one of the sweetest people in the world. I'll always be here for you Mipha." Zelda reassured, the truth was that Zelda felt like she hadn't said enough. Maybe she could've said more to make Mipha feel better.
"Thank you Zelda, I appreciate it. Your..." Mipha took a moment to calm herself down. She couldn't handle people comforting her sometimes. Zelda was being awfully sweet to her. Mipha took a deep breath and calmed herself down once more before speaking.
"You are so sweet, I appreciate your words. Thank you." Zelda nodded, Mipha rubbed her cold hands with her thumbs. Zelda's face began to warm up.
"We intruppting something?" Revali crossed his arms, Zelda jumped seeing both Revali and Link looking at them. Zelda stood up in a panic.
"Can we go?" Zelda asked Revali, his brows furrowed as he shared a glance with Link.
"But-" Zelda pulled Revali back into the hallway with her. She walked around pacing then eventually slid onto the floor against a locker. She hid her face in embarrassment.
"What's wrong?" Revali asked, actually kind of worried for once. He slipped onto the floor with her.
"Like you care." Zelda snapped Revali's heart slumped deep into his stomach hearing her speak.
"I...Zelda I do care. Please, just tell me what happened." Revali said, Zelda glanced up at Revali slightly surprised by his empathy.
"I...I think I like Mipha, I know I know, I sound ridiculous but I just... I know she likes Link, I mean look at them." Zelda ranted on, Revali stared at Zelda feeling horrible for her.
"Hey, it's okay. I'm sure you have a chance with her. Mipha, whatever you two were talking about she had definant heart eyes if I've ever seen them." Revali explained, Zelda breath hitched as she leaned against the blue lockers.
"Thanks." Revali stared at Zelda wishing he could've said more. He didn't know how to help Zelda and he hated himself for it. It had probably been the first time Revali really did hate himself. Of course he felt hatred for himself so many days, but this was worse. He wanted to help Zelda but he couldn't. He felt so...helpless.
"Now, I actually wanted to hang out with both Links and Mipha but if you don't want to..." Zelda's eyes lightened, she shook her head with a smile.
"Of course I want to! First I should apologize." Zelda said, Revali stood up and helped Zelda up after him. They walked back outside luckily both Link and Mipha still stood there.
"She's good with your little idea." Revali told Link, the shorter Hylian nodded and glanced at Mipha then back to Revali. Revali nodded and began to walk off.
"We will give you two some time come on Mutey." Link nodded and followed Revali back into the hallways. The two stood there in slight awkward silence. Zelda opened her mouth to speak.
"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." Mipha said before Zelda could. Zelda shook her head.
"Don't apologize Mipha, you didn't make me uncomfortable I should be the one apologizing." Zelda said Mipha sighed. Eventually they went with Revali and Link and ended up hanging out at Mipha's house with her brother as well. Zelda didn't mind it, she got to chat with Mipha so she couldn't argue.


HELLOOOO, I hope you enjoyed this remake of chapter one. I did put in a bit more emotin than I had expected but it's okay!! Love you all, hope you enjoyed :)))

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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