The Start

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June 26, 2021

As the noise escalated behind her it seemed as if the world had froze or was working in slow motion. The crowd in Time Square had gone silent; all you could hear was the whistling of the summer breeze. Suddenly it felt as if someone pressed fast forward on the remote called life. "Louis!" I screamed running through the pedestrian filled streets.

Where could he have gone, he had been standing next to me. "Louis! Where are you!" I yelled as loud as I could as if he could hear me over everyone else, as I stood there in the middle of the street a hand grabbed me from behind causing me to jump; it was Louis, he took me by my hand and started running towards some buildings. "Where are we going?" I asked as we continued to run for what seemed like hours.

Finally after a trail of twist and turns we stopped in the back of some old looking building, Louis stood there catching his breath. "What are we doing here?" I said looking around out of breath. I must have been in shock or something cause' I started hyperventilating, "Will you relax! Damn!" Louis paused "Look some crazy.... I..." he started before getting choked up. "I saw some broad look down at her baby and... Look she started eating her fucking kid! So I dipped to find you." He finished saying scratching his head.

I stood there in a confused daze "W-well we have to find James and Lala... Ohh no, no no no..." I squatted to the ground and held my face in my hands "No... Pleasee tell me their fine." I said as I looked up from my hands, Louis walked to me and kissed me, "They found us babe." He said as he kissed my forehead while tears ran down my cheeks.

Right when I looked up Lala came running from around the corner, "Baby!" She screamed as she dropped to the ground to hold me. "I'm soo glad your okay babe girl, we were soo worried." She said as we started to stand up, "You know where Jay is?" I said while we all started walking down the road. "Yeah, he's at the car waiting." Lala replied looking around franticly, "What's going on Lala?" I said looking at her suspiciously, she didn't answer just kept looking around. "Laurani Van Beren what the fuck is going on!" I screamed coming to a halt, Lala paused when she turned to face me she had a look of confusion.

"Please stop yelling, we need to get to the car where James is." She said in a clam monotone voice. I nodded and just followed along cause' this really wasn't the time to argue with Lala. When we got to the car we said our hello's or whatever we took off, all we heard was a cars crashing and people screaming. We pulled onto the main road swerving into traffic; I felt like we were in Die Hard or Fast& Furious; as we floored down the street we witnessed people being pulled from their loved ones by these sub-human things.

Driving into the sunset always sound like the perfect ending to a good day, not the beginning of a Zombie Apocalypse.

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