What The Fu--.

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As we drove down the dusty highway, the soft warm summer breeze blew through the heat filled car. Our destination: Maine where Luis' family cabin was. As we passed by an orchard of cherry blossoms the sweet smell clashed with the summer breeze, and for just a moment things felt normal, sane, back to how things were just a few days ago.

As I sat in the passenger seat in a trans, my long brown hair blowing in the wind, "Babe are you okay?" Broke the trans, I turned to see Luis giving that 'you good?' look while still trying to keep focus on the empty ass highway.

"Yeah... I'm fine." I said choking on my words, while I drift back into 'the matrix'. "You just seem so..." he paused to glance at me, I rolled my eyes and kept looking out the window. "No. Don't tell me your fine, what's wrong and don't say "Nothing"..." he continued to go off in Spanish.

'Like calm down tough guy'

"Shut up Luis!" I whisper screamed at him pointing at Lala and James who were still sleeping. "Nothing is wrong... I'm just thinking about shit." I looked at him, "I mean if that's fine with you." I said feeling the sarcasm hit my tongue.

"Are you fucken kiddin me!!" He shouted at me in a strong Spanish accent. "Luis please!" I snapped back making my voice crack. By now everyone was awake just wiping the crust outta their eyes.

"I don't know what's been up with you but it needs to stop..." I said with my finger in his face, he looked at me like I had just shot the Queen or somethin'. "Everything is just getting to me... And I DON'T need you yelling at me and shit. Alright!?" I finished saying as I went back to looking out the window watching the lovely scenery pass by.

'Maybe we should find another car, I feel bad for waking James and Lala.'

After sitting in the same god damn spot for the past four hours Luis finally decides to stop in the middle of the same empty ass highway. "Oh fun a piss brake... Thanks babe!" I said in my native tongue aka sarcasm. Lala stretched and we walked off to go find a tree or bush that we could mark as our territory.

<>Luis P.O.V<>

I watched the girls walk off into the woods, "Damn..." James belted out in a groggy voice while he stretched next to the car. "Sorry Jay, next time we'll try to be a little more quiet." I chucked trying to shake the argument off. James walked up to me looking a little pissed off "What the fuck is going on with you and my sister?" he asked looking aggravated.

James has always called Rylee his sister; well he has for as long as I can remember.

"Nothing, relax she's just having a hard time right now... You know?" I replied lighting up a cig. "She's just stressed out like the rest of us." I continued before taking a drag. "Well you don't need to be stressing her out anymore than she is, you feel me?" he replied and pulled out a Black & Mild, he took out a royal blue bic and sparked the black.

"Jay you know I only want the best for Ry, shit I care about her more than I care about myself. I don't know what I'd do without her." I took another drag, "She means the world to me Jay, call me Whipped if you want but I wanna marry her." I watched Jay exhale deeply; he wiped his face and turned to me. "That's what I like to hear." He just smiled, and then a scream broke the silence.




I jumped when I heard Lala's ear splitting screams, "LAURANI!!!" I yelled as I took off deeper into the woods. I could hear the guys trailing behind screaming me and Lala's names but all that mattered was getting to my sister.

I stopped in my tracks when this gross smell hit my nostrals causing me to baby puke, i looked around to find Lala trying to fight of one of those things, and I started to panic. I picked up a stick and swallowed me fears and charged at the zombie fuck that had my best friend pinned to the ground, right when the stick slid into the decaying body a gunshot killed my rage turning it into fear.

I looked around in shock, Lala brought me back to reality when she appeared on me crying hysterically clinging to me. "Shh... its fine I've got you mama, I'm right here your safe now." I said rubbing her back trying to calm her.

By time Luis and James reached us whoever shot that gun was gone.

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