•| Chapter 5 |•

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* The day before they met at the school*

“ Do you still remember me?”
The girl asks, looking directly into my eyes.
She held one of my hands and then came to me closely.

“ You said you'll never forget me, Kai...”

“ W-who are you? What are my connections to you? And how do you know my name?”

“ So you did forgotten. ”

“ I don't know who exactly you are or whatever, but you seem familiar to me...”

“ Of course I did. You know me ever since you were young.”

“ Who exactly are you...?”
I asked.
The girl talked, but I can barely hear what she's saying.

“ I love you... ”
The last word she said before she completely disappeared like a bubble.
I blinked my eye and then looked around.
There is nobody around except of me.

“ Hey! Where are you? ”
I called. I'm looking around, but see no one.

“ Wait, who is she? I can't remember her face.”

“ Who is she? ”
I keep asking myself.
I started breathing heavily as I fell on my knees.

“ Who are you?! ”
I yelled.
I woke up breathing and sweating heavily.
I hold my head and groan.
I took a deep breath and sat on my bed.

“ What is that...?”
I asked myself, squinting my eyes as a sigh escaped my lips.
That dream left me questioning.

“ Who could possibly be she?”

“ I can barely see her face due to the smoke all over the place, ”

“ The only word that I remember she told me was ' I love you...' ”

“ I can remember her voice, but I don't know her face nor her name. ”
I said.
I keep replaying to voice in my head, thinking who could possibly be the owner of the voice.

“ Jung Min-Young?”
I said out of nowhere.
I shook my head and then placed my face in my palm.

“ Crazy me thinking it's her. She could never be, I'm thinkin' out of my delulusion.”
I said, shaking my head repeatedly.

“ But the voice is the same as hers. Maybe I've just mistaken it?”

“ There is no way that she would say something like that to me.”

I'm keep of asking my self questions that I myself can't even answered.
The minutes passed as I just decided to shrugged  all of my thoughts and just went back to sleep.

“ I should meet you again in my dreams.”

Done chapter 6 ♡

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