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"P - please Rosy, we can still talk about this!"

I said in protest to Rosies’ advances, but it did nothing to stop his eyes filled with endless lust and desire looming over me like a sinister shadow, ready to swallow me whole at any given moment.

My body shivered, my hair standing on its ends. Just thinking about it gave me goosebumps, a person whom I've known for years, committing such an act with me, and without my consent even!

How electrifying !

"You know, Ajoka,” he said as he took a step forward. “I've waited for the opportunity to do this for a long time now, but that bastard, Nami, has always been there to stop me."

Rosy muttered, a crazed look in his scarlet red eyes.

With a quick dash he reached out for my throat as he grabbed it before squeezing it tightly.

It hurts.

It really fucking does.

So why?

Why does it feel so good?

Damn it, Damn it, Damn it!

This can't be happening, why, why, why?!

Rosy pushed me as I fell down to the floor.

I could see it. His hands reaching out for me so he can remove my clothing. Yet, I allowed him to do so. Despite the tears I felt a wave of satisfaction as he  forcefully took my pants off.

I could hear the sound of a metal belt dropping down to the floor, together with it.

My heart dropped. I couldn’t say if it was out of excitement or fear.

"W-Wait, Rosy, this is just some stupid joke right? RIGHT?!"

I screamed out as a last ditch attempt to deny this being a reality.

But the feeling of something entering me from behind forcefully brought me back to reality.


I scream out in pain as his big thing penetrates my behind, it's long and girt-

Wait, something isn't right, why is it…

So small?

Is this for real?

I want my fear and panic… and built up expectations refunded?

And isn't Rosy being too silent?

I glance back towards his direction only to find him knocked out.

This damn Rosy Bastard!

I get off this embarrassing position before dressing myself.

Now, what should I do with this lowlife?

I gaze at his naked, tiny, penis that's following the movements of the breeze, I'd mistake it as a leaf if it was green.

Gaining a mischievous smile, I hover my foot above his penis.

"An end fitting for lowly trash

What's left of your scions is naught but ash.

Consider this the perfect retribution for betraying the expectations of a maiden

Your future's gone in a flash"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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