Chapter 7: Covered Part 2

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one sentence summary: Jisung spent his morning with Felix, Felix helped Seungmin in the garden, and the Kings visit got delayed.

Chapter Text

Hyunjin is not allowed to be here. All of them have warned Hyujin time and time again not to interact with their prisoner. To steer clear from the silver eyebrowed stranger in their home. Hyunjin agreed after all of them passionately told them about how much they care for Felix, and managed to convince himself that they are right. No interaction would mean he doesnt have to care for Felix. He wouldnt know him. Except that having a stranger in your house for a week totally makes you grow closer to one another. Even when you dont talk.

Felix-ssi? Hyunjin asks the man in the pantry. The rest of the house is deserted. Felix looks up, but he makes sure their eyes dont meet. Felix must have noticed the tension between them. Hyunjin knows not to walk over to the shorter man. He knows Felix gets spooked easily. He might want to get away and trip over the rope around his ankles. Hyunjin knows all this and more, because he has been watching Felix. Everything about the other boy demands Hyunjins attention, because it is out of the ordinary. Felix is out of the ordinary. He doesnt belong here and yet he fits so well with the rest of them.

My Highness? Felix draws after a long beat of silence. Hyunjin is unable to speak. He feels so out of his role. He is in a small house in the woods, dressed in his pyjamas and comfy indoor shoes, and looking at someone his same age that just reminded him of who he is. Hyunjin feels claustrophobic when he hears his title. He can never escape it. What can I do for you, My Highness.

Hyunjin doesnt correct Felix. The man spent most of his life away from others. It makes sense he doesnt know proper etiquettes for talking to Royalty. Nothing. I wanted to ask if you want to cook dinner with me?

This makes Felixs eyes shot up in interest. Their eyes meet and Hyunjin is frozen in place by the cold stare he gets. Felix looks angry. Sure, My Highness. Felix steps a little to the side so there is a clear spot forming behind the counter. Hyunjin goes there. The tension has increased to a level Hyunjin can feel it tightening around him. It is like Felixs presence has a hold of him. His being, his body, his soul. What do Do you Felix stammers. What food?

Maybe some rice and beef? Hyunjin asks. Felix nods. It is clear Felix will go along with any decision Hyunjin makes. Lets try and do what you and Minho-hyung did a few nights ago. It was delicious. He compliments.

We can change out the pork from last time for beef. Maybe some different vegetables. Felix adds. Hyunjin nods happily and claps his hands together twice in agreement. He pretends Felix didnt flinch at the sound.

I am not that good of a cook. Hyunjin admits. He looks at Felix, but Felixs eyes don't reach past Hyunjins nose. It is clear the shorter boy does not know how to act around Hyunjin. Hyunjin never liked that about his position. He might be Royalty, but he is as human as the next person. There is nothing much to him actually. Ill do whatever youll tell me to. Hyunjin says, shamelessly. He then realises Felix might have a lot he wants Hyunjin to do. Most wishes probably dont revolve around making dinner.

Felix never asks him to do anything besides cutting the vegetables and stirring in the hot pots outside. Hyunjin works quietly alongside Felix. The other seems to think out loud a little before trailing off and walking around the pantry disorderly, but very slowly the dishes are taking form, so Hyunjin doesnt comment on it. Felix must be trying hard to remember the way Minho prepared most dishes. Maybe them making dinner wasnt such a good idea, but they have at least half a day to get eight portions of food together. It has to work.

Hyunjin relaxes a little the longer they spend in the kitchen. He can tell from Felixs more relaxed stirring that the other also feels more comfortable being so close to him. He wonders if Felix will be able to look him in the eye tonight. Hyunjin silently begs for that look to be more friendlier. Warmer. He has seen Felix follow Seungmin around and make little jokes with him. Felix has played games with Jeongin and let the maknae win all of them even when it was clear Felix was much better at them. Minho even took a liking to Felix and introduced him to his three cats. Their three cats , Hyunjin reminds himself. Felix and Jisung have talked about WAP and natures beauty for hours on end. (Technically Jisung did the talking and Felix the hearing. But it was an adorable sight nonetheless). Felix even exchanged some small conversation with Chan and Changbin and received their compliments for his cleaning and food with a very deep bow. Hyunjin just wants to be next.

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