Moving On

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Okay I'm just gonna say this now.....MY BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW!!! MAY 19 BABY!! *coughs* excuse my yelling, but yeah. I'm finally gonna turn 13! Now enough of me talking. Enjoy this chapter!
(Normal Pov)

Niesha yawned and woke up to see everyone sleep. She smiled as she looked up at Sonic, who had his arms wrapped tightly around her. She pulled out her phone and called her sister

"Hello?" A tired voice asked

"Hey Shay, its me." Niesha replied

"Where are you?" Shay questioned

"I'm stuck in an elevator with some new friends. Tell Mephiles, Zackery, Nikki, and Ash that I'll be in here for a while." Niesha started looking around the elevator

"Okay, stay safe little sis. I'll text you in the morning to check on you." Shay stated. Niesha smiled

"Okay, bye sis. Talk to you later." Niesha said

"Bye." Shay hung up her phone. Niesha pressed the home button on her phone and went to the internet. She then felt Sonic move behind her. She looked up and seen that he was awake

"Hey." Sonic's tired voice rang through Niesha's ears

"Hello." Niesha replied. She sat up so that her back was agasint Sonic's chest. Sonic sat up a little more then put his arms around her waist

"Sonic, I have a question." Niesha put away her phone and turned her body towards Sonic so that she was facing him

"I'm all ears. What is it?" Sonic questioned

"What would you do if there was a girl that liked you?" No nervousness came out of Niesha's voice. She talked with a straight voice. Sonic looked at her

"I would ask why she liked me and if its a good reason then I'll give her a chance." Sonic replied. Niesha looked down

"Well that's funny because....." Niesha mumbled the rest. Sonic smirked and lifted her head up slowly

"Come on. Finish your sentence." Sonic purred. Niesha blushed and turned away from him. Now the nervousness started to get to her. Sonic smirked wider and turned Niesha's face towards his

"Come on, I don't bite." Sonic stated. Niesha sighed

"Let's just say that there's a girl that likes you." Niesha replied. Sonic looked into her eyes

"Is that girl you?" Sonic questioned. Niesha laughed nervously and began playing with her quills

"N-no." Niesha stuttered. Sonic rolled his eyes and kissed her. Niesha sat still for a moment, then she kissed back. Cream woke up and seen them kissing. She quickly pulled out her phone and took a pic. Sonic laid Niesha on her back and got on top of her, continuing to kiss her. Cream continued taking pictures, giggling in her head. Then she stopped taking pictures and began to record it. Sonic's gloved hands moved around Niesha's body, causing her to shutter and moan softly. Sonic then began kissing her neck. Cream's eyes widen. How could they not notice that she was recording them?? Niesha wrapped her legs around Sonic's waist and purred. Sonic smirked. Cream sweat dropped

"Okay! Time to go to bed." Cream thought. She stopped recording and laid down, leaving the new couple to do what they were planning on doing.....
I made Cream so evil and funny! Thanks for reading! See ya next time!

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