the verdict

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The king: bring the prisoner forth.

2 knights open the throne room doors to reveal the prisoner, the knights practically had to drag him from his cell as he refused to leave.

The knights drag him to the center of the throne room and remove his hood.

The king: John doe, you have been arrested for entering the kingdom knowing full well you are the resident of a rival kingdom, do you plead guilty?

John doe doesn't answer. One of the knights grabs him by the hair and hits him in the face.

The knight: speak when spoken too!

The king: I will repeat, do. You. Plead. GUILTY!

John doe: how can I plead guilty to a crime when i dont even know what "rival kingdom" im from y1ou fat ass.

He is met with a sword hilt to the face from one of the knights and grabbed by the throat.

The knight: you dare disrespect the king in his throne room!

The king: let the prisoner go, if he dares insult me than their is no reason to let him go free.

The knight: than what do we do with him my lord?

The king: give him a task, a task no man can complete.

Now the king had John's attention, an impossible task? What task would be truly considered impossible?

The king: he is from the reeve kingdom yes, our sworn enemy. Than we send him to kill the dragon king, the dragon king will kill him than emerge from his pit too destroy the kingdom of reeves. If he survives, he earns his freedom, but I highly doubt he will.

The king knew his military could never stand up to the reeves military, and John had experienced his forces as well has he experienced the kings military himself, 3 Years on the run, 100's of search parties and constantly watching his back. He knew nothing of this reeves kingdom and why the king hated them.

But that doesn't matter now, all that matters is completing this task.

If he can.

john doe: twilight of the dragonWhere stories live. Discover now