A white lie everywhere.

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I wake up, and a fried egg is in the sky. Or it's the moon. I can't tell. Anyways, I have to get up for school. I know, I know, it looks like it's 11pm or something near that, but it's actually 3am. I've have to get up though, school is in an hour. Just gotta get off my bed... and- ow! That's the 3 time in a row I've fallen off my bed.. wait, wait, WAIT NO.. my legs, their gone! They fell off! I'm going to be so late now..
I'm going to have to roll down and probably not even eat breakfast.

10 minutes later..

That was so hard.. my whole body hurts.
Luckily, I take the train and the place where the train stops is only a few blocks away from here. Just then, my caretaker, Utsu comes out of the door. She's just takes care of me but to me, she's a role model. I'll describe her. Utsu has blue hair, has cat ears, has a tail, has a cute, big, aqua nail attached to her head with a upside down yellow V, has.. I'm not sure how to describe it, but she has multiple colors in her eyes, 2 in each eye. And Utsu wears a...bodysuit? I think. But-

Utsu: Tamago! Are you okay?! What happened to your legs..?!

To me, she's panicking and overreacting, that's what happens usually. But I don't want her to panic. So I'll tell her the truth.

Me: Utsu, W-when I got out of bed today, I was so clumsy, and I fell out of my bed.. and when I- I fell, my limbs, s- sna-snapped off!

Hopefully that wasn't too loud, I don't want Utsu to panic even more cause she thinks I'm going though puberty and having mood swings or something.

Utsu: Oh Tamago.. it's okay, it's okay-

She starts to hug me.

- now, you can't stay home, I have to go help my sister, Sou today. But as your backpack is big for you, here's a smaller backpack, one that resembles you.

Utsu gives me a coral backpack, that with cuts that are on the backpack, it looks like a cracked egg, but the two halves haven't separated yet.

Utsu: Now, I'll carry you to the train and pay for your ticket.

She begins to carry me.

3 minutes later..

Utsu: We're here! I'll pay for your ticket, and the next train is the one you get on, and get off at 3 stops.

Utsu sets me on a bench and goes to the machine to pay for the ticket.

Oh, yeah, if you remember what Utsu called me, that's my name. If you you forgot it. It's Tamago. I hope you remember that. Most people call me Egg as they can't remember that. I hope you do remember it.

Utsu: Here you go. I'll wait here with you, until you get on.

But she doesn't stay for long. As the train comes in no time.

Utsu: Oh, it's here let's-

Just then, my backpack falls off, and the train might close their doors now.

Utsu: Your backpack! I'll get it, I'll get it!

Utsu is bad at grabbing stuff for some reason. And I'm getting concerned. The doors are about to close.

Utsu: Here you go (She puts it on me, again) Let's go!

We are about a foot away from it and- Ahhh!

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