No Dream

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I wake up. There's no windows, only light. Everyone around me starts to get up and get dressed. I figured I do the same. Ow! I fell off again. There's these moving rails that each bed has next to each other. I get on mine and because I can't really do anything as I have no limbs, I just go out the door. What this orphanage does is they line up and walk to places, like the school. But, I didn't know that. So when they all lined up and the adult came. The adult screamed at me and embarrassed me. They just threw me. I landed next to the school, luckily. Naitsu was coming near and I couldn't afford to get embarrassed again.

But it was too late.

Naitsu: Trash? Again? I'd rather just call you Stinky Crap!

Very bad insult.

Me: Naitsu, this is getting annoying, please just stop.

Naitsu: You're right, crap being thrown in the dumpster everyday is boring! Like really! So you know what

She grabs me.. this is not good.

Naitsu: Let's go, everyone!

Me: Uhh, Naitsu?

She walks and walks all the way to the classroom. Naitsu sets me down.

Naitsu: Everyone, don't do anything.

Was she actually being nice for once?
Naitsu takes off her backpack and hangs it on a hook. She opens the backpack.
Then she grabs me.

Naitsu Get in!



Average Naitsu. I'm stuck here now. What's she got in here though? Candy, gum, shoes? And a console? Weird stuff but if she's into that then fine. There's not much to do here. So, I'll just sleep

Dream Scene
I was in a place that seemed like a hospital, and I was on a bed. There was nothing. No people, no windows, nothing. But there was a song playing. I couldn't tell what it was but it kept saying "へるmp" and the last lyric was "help me, out" . I was starting to cry, I didn't know why but I just was. Only then I notice there is a tv and a remote. I turn on the tv and see that the whole world is against limbless people. I realize that I have arms in this dream but not legs. Just then, a gun appears. I knew I wanted to kill myself, so I picked up the gun, put my finger on the trigger, and pull it-


I'm, I'm dead. I'm, happy!-

Then I wake up.
It was fake.
Another white lie.
Made up to make you feel happy, better, and positive.
What is life?
What is death?
They are questions I'll never answer.
But I want to.
I want to answer them.
But, how?
I just-


Naitsu: You're in there!


Oh no..
2 things that can happen
1. She does something to the backpack to make it explode or something
2. I just realized that it's basically the same as the last one, so I'm not gonna bother.
huh? Why is it soggy, the bottom? Wait is that, water? It's leaking and coming in..
I can hear probably Naitsu talking, but it's muffled.
This situation is getting even worse. It is almost all the way filled with wa- oh no, Oh no!
I can't, I can't, breathe... *close eyes*

???: Aw, man! Aw man, is she dead? I hope she isn't!
Me: Uh?! Who are you?
???: Oh, I'm, uh, Usagi.
Me: Ok, Usagi, but why am I here, in this white room?
Usagi: Oh, you are here because at your school, you passed out when someone tried to drown you when you were in a backpack.
Me: Alright, I'm fine, so I'll go.
Usagi: No! You're not!

This was the first time someone restricted me from doing something, but for the better. Usagi continues to talk, but I won't listen. I'm just so stunned.

Usagi: By the way, I have to go. I have to go see Majikin. Also what was your name?
Me: Tamago. Also bye.
Usagi: Well, goodbye Tamago! And I hope you get better!

Usagi runs out of the room. I wonder if she actually needed to go out, or she just didn't like me, and decided to make an excuse. ... Wait, there was the ears at the top of their head and only men have those, but she also has the big ears at the bottom of her head that only women have, so is she a man or woman?! I'll just call Usagi as they/their. Maybe they are a different animal, I mean they look like a human rabbit, but maybe they are not? This room also looks like the one I had in my dream last night.

Same bed, same TV, even the same desk the remote and gun were on. This can't be a coincidence! Something has to be connected. I am very bored, and I can't do anything. Only thing I can do is go to sleep, and I don't want to do that. There's also a window, which I would want to jump out of, but it's closed and I can't get it open. Also I wonder what happened to Utsu. I haven't seen her at all today. My head is starting to itch. Ugh.

Oh, the door. It's open. Usagi probably forgot to close it. Should I roll and go to the exit? No, that's stupid, they'd find me and put me back. But, it's possible that this is a poorly managed place..! No, again, stupid thoughts.

*I see though the window it's the evening, at about 6pm ish.*

Oh! I know. I can wait until midnight, then I'll make my escape! But, by then, the door would've been closed by a nurse or someone else, and.. oh. This won't work.

*I wait a few hours, doing nothing but crying and dreaming. It's now 9pm, and someone comes in.*

Usagi: Oh! Sorry I'm so late, it's just Majikin's house began overflowing, and, and!

They're nervous, I can tell that.

Usagi: Oh, I'm sorry for rambling on about that. I saw on a computer that you'll be here for about a day. So, you'll be gone by tomorrow.

Me: Oh.

It's not I'm sad or anything like that, it's just. Something. I can't explain that something in words.

Usagi: It's also the day I found out this year is the year of the rabbit! I'll celebrate with my friend Yuki!

They keep talking about shit I don't care about, so I eventually fall asleep.

No dream today, but that's ok.


I finally feel relaxed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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