5//the relation

241 7 4


first person pov

I was woken up with from my peaceful sleep on the couch by my phone's constant ringing. I looked to my side to see Gabriel at the kitchen island eating a scone. This boy was such a Brit. Grunting, I grabbed my phone and checked who was calling me at this early hour. It was 9am and I could barely function. Jet lag was taking its toll on me. 

I tilted my head to the side when I saw it was Colette calling. 

Hmm it was probably to talk about when she was coming over today

"Pick up your bloody phone otherwise I'll toss it out the window if it keeps ringing." Gabriel muttered.

I rolled my eyes at the boy's antics. I had just slept on the couch the night before because my stupid mattress hadn't arrived yet. And he was the one complaining?

I swiped to answer and brought the phone up to my ear.

"Hey Colette! Sorry for keeping you waiting." I answered, 

"Don't worry about it. Wait did I just wake you up?" Colette responded, her voice dropping in the end.

"Erm somewhat! Not really though because my roommate was already making noise." I lied.

"Ah well good then. You need to wake up! Seize the day!" Colette encouraged.

"Try doing that when your body thinks it's 3am." I grumbled.

"Okay Catalina, you need to get up! Tu viens chez moi. I'll text you my address and the time! Okay must go now. I'll see you! Au revoir!" 

And with that, she hung up the phone.

What the hell did I just mistakenly agree to? 

Within the next few seconds, my phone beeped with several notifications from Colette. 

My building is Appartement 07, unit 14. 

Right near Parc de Princes. Be there at 2! 

And bring your roommate! I'd love to meet her!

I chuckled at the last line before typing a response.

Sure! I'll bring him too!

I looked back at Gabriel who was sending daggers my way. He was not a morning person. He was also mad that I won our race yesterday which was quite surprising. 

"By the way, we're going somewhere near the Parc de Princes at 12." I informed him.

Gabriel raised an eyebrow mid way through eating his scone.

"Why." He stated, not asked.

"Colette's invited us over to her place for lunch. We can go boo PSG if you want too, since it's right there." I offered, choosing my words carefully to entice him.

Gabriel's ears perked up at the sound of PSG. He was like a dog. 

"Fine, maybe I will go." 

And with that, he sauntered back into his room. Which had a very comfy looking bed might I add. I looked back at my phone to see that Colette had left several more messages.

Girl what? 


I thought roommates had to be of the same sex?

I shook my head, she was just as confused as I was. I mean it was kinda a strange setup in honesty. I'd never heard of universities willfully doing coed dorms.

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