Ch 1: Abducted from the Keep

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They weren't really sure how they got into this mess. Perhaps it was the blinding white light that came out of nowhere actually, it was definitely that. It engulfed the keep and suddenly the group was transported to a massive library with no windows or doors. What it lacked in entrances and exits it made up for in comfort and luxury. It had cozy furniture to sit on, bathrooms, showers, as well as an endless supply of food and ale.

With the doors nowhere to be found, their weapons all missing, and magic of no use there was nothing for them to do but follow their abductors instructions-which were neatly scrawled on a piece of parchment.

Percy picked up the note that was left for them.

"Dear Vox Machina, I have abducted you all for the express purpose of viewing the lives of your alternate selves." Percy trailed off into a murmur as he read the letter in its entirety. "Oh this is just ridiculous."

"What is?" Vex asked impatiently one hand on her hip. She tried to peer over Percy's shoulder.

"We have to read each of these books from cover to cover." Percy gestured to a pile of books on a nearby table. "And only then will we be let out of here."

"You're kidding." Pike frowned.

"I wish I was." Percy sighed pinching at his nose- his glasses raising.

"Okay." Vex clapped her hands together. "This won't be so bad. We can do this. We just have to read four books."

"Books that will contain many explicit scenes of sex, violence and the want to off yourself from embarrassment." Percy sighed. "They detail us falling in love with women."

"And by us you mean..." Keyleth was nervous.

"Oh relax Keyleth. Whatever entity that decided to screw with us left out you girls from getting any significant other. You'll just have to listen to it all."

"Wait what?" Vex demanded ripping the letter from Percy's hands. "Why don't we have lovers? This is outrageous!"

"Scanlan gets a girlfriend and I don't get anyone?" Pike complained. "This is completely unfair. If any gnome should get a girl to settle down with it should be me!"

"Yeah!" Keyleth's clutched onto her staff. "I mean I'm not a gnome but I think I deserve someone before Scanlan does!"

"You three can be outraged about it all you like. Take it up with whoever brought us here."

"I would if they showed their face!" Pike was frustrated. "Where are you hiding? I want a beautiful woman too!"

Magically three more books poofed into existence depositing themselves on the table.

"Oh great." Vax remarked as he gestured to the table. "More books for us to read. Couldn't you three have just kept quiet?"

"Oh whatever. So there's three more. That's only seven. We got this." Scanlan grinned settling down with some popcorn.

"Let's just get this over with." Vax complained sitting next to Scanlan on the carpeted floor with a huff.

"Very well." Percy sighed. He picked up a purple book with a statue of a woman on the cover.

"The Curse of Zia Zircon." Percy studied the book cover. "Well this one seems...interesting. I suppose."

"Meh. What else we got?" Scanlan scanned the table. He picked up a different book. It was pink with a woman playing the violin.
"Ooh....The Charm of Charmaigne. This one looks fun!"

"Princess Stella-The light of Tal'Dorei" Vex picked up a yellow one. She looked at another. It was green. "The Fairy Flit."

"Uh...there's...tale of the undead rose...or  a true treasure?" Keyleth suggested looking at a red book then one with a mermaid on the cover.

"Fuck that, we'll read Scorched Orchid." Vax threw down the last book. It was orange. "I'm calling it right now. These books are going to suck."

"Most definitely." Percy agreed as he settled in an arm chair.  "Now let's-" he reached for the book that Vax suggested and it slid to the other side of the table. The Curse of Zia Zircon replaced it rather insistently. "...fucksake. It's making us start with this one."

"We don't even get to pick which one to read? That's bullshit." Pike huffed plopping down in front of the coffee table.

"Where's Grog? Big guys been kinda quiet." Scanlan frowned settling in beside her.

"He's been drinking the unlimited ale."

"He has the right idea. Everyone grab a mug. Percy, if you could get reading. I don't want to be stuck here for eternity." Vex sighed.

"Right..." Percy sighed. " goes."


I love a good reaction fic. Hopefully people will like this too hehe.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2024 ⏰

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Vox Machina reacts to the loves they could have hadWhere stories live. Discover now