"Lets do this"

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"Get on the ground! Throw ya cell phones away from you now!" Hayley yells as she kicks in the door of the store. In sudden panic everyone gets on the ground and threw their phones.

"Good so y'all can listen" she mumbles and then kicks the phones away from the people. "Okay keep your hands where I can see em and don't move!" She instructed.

"Good keep it that way" she warned as she walked to the others on the floor. One guy peaked up to see that the woman was pregnant. he looked at her confused. She pointed her gun in his face making him cower in fear. "I said don't fucking move"

"Now, I need to you to get your manager up here." Annie yelled but nothing happened so she walked to the cashier and pushed him. "I said you need to get a manager up here right now!"

Hey, where's y'all's boss at?" Annie shouted.

Seeing that nothing was happening, Beth started screaming at the people, "I better get a manager up here right now or I will start capping people!" Hayley looked at her friends. "I'm not even joking,!" She kicked over a barrel of supplies while screaming, making everyone else scream.
"I wanna do that" Hayley whines as ruby narrows her eyes. "Nows not the time to complain" she whispered/yelled at her friend.

"You're the manager?" Beth asks a startled employee hiding behind a counter."Over there." The brunette answers, pointing towards a man who was trying to crawl away without being noticed.

"Hey. Hey, you. You." Beth yells, running up to him."You in charge here?" She asks.

"Y-yes. Yes, I am." The man stutters out. Hayley then stepped in to replace Elizabeth and pointed her gun at the man on the floor."Okay, then, you listen to me. You're gonna put on your big boy panties, and you're gonna tell your customers to stay calm, and this will be over real soon. if not you wont be able to see tomorrow" Hayley threatens him.

Meanwhile, Annie, Elizabeth , and Ruby began ushering customers out of the aisles. "Get on the floor" Annie shoves a guy on the floor.

"Everybody stay calm, okay?" the man tells everyone as hayley nods in satisfaction. "Now you're going to take my friend here to the cash vault. Move it before I shoot your face off--let's go! Now, now, now!" she pushed the manager near the cash register as ruby looks at her shocked. Annie and Elizabeth jumped in happiness as Hayley smirked under her mask.


a week earlier

Hayley inhaled deeply before tremblingly exiting the car and making her way to the doctor. She met Dr. Grace, a redhead lady in her mid-twenties, as soon as she walked into the clinic.

Hayley was given an ultrasound by the red headed doctor, she couldn't help but smile as she heard her unborn child's heartbeat. "Your child's heart rate is excellent." said Dr. Grace.

"That's great. I can't wait to meet her" Hayley says smiling. "You already know the gender?" The doctor asks curiously. "Oh no no it's uh mothers institution" Hayley smiled. "Oh I see. You want to find out?" The doctor asked making Hayley shake her head. "Nope not yet I wanna be surprised" she answered truthfully.

"Well all done" the doctor said as she grabbed a tissue to wipe the ultrasound gel off of her abdomen. As Hayley pulled her shirt down and went to stand up the doctor stopped her. "One more thing...your blood pressure is a bit high I've got something for it." she said and walked away as Hayley watched her walk towards the cabinet.

As she is looking for the right medication Hayley gets a text from Beth saying to come over.

Big sis: hey can you come over?

Hayles: yeah sure I'm at the doctors right now I'll be there in a little

Once she looked up from her phone, Dr. Grace returned with her medication. "Take these and you should be fine" she advised and gave her the medicine.

"Thank you so much" Hayley says shaking her doctors hand. "No problem I'll see you at your next check up" Dr.Grace bid her goodbye.


"Alright I'm here, I'm tired and pregnant" Hayley says walking into Beth's house. Elizabeth had such sadness on her face while Annie was drinking out of a bottle of alcohol. They both had miserable faces on and was going through it. "Aww come here" Hayley extends her arms as Elizabeth ran and hugged her gently of course. She starts out sniffling before breaking down into a crying puddle on her shoulder.

After a few minutes of Beth and Hayley stood there quietly, taking in all that has happened."Hey!" Ruby says obliviously, not reading the room.Annie tries to shush her but ruby doesn't seem to catch on."Guess who found those caramel Bugles at Kroger?" Elizabeth ran to ruby and hugged her making ruby look confused.

"What is going on?" she mouthed to Annie as she tried to explain without actually talking. Annie sighs "dean is'" Annie says then proceeds to make sexual gestures. Ruby's face scrunched up in confusion. "Huh?"

Ruby gasps. Elizabeth let's out a whimper as ruby rubs her back and tries to console her. "Oh, honey. What can we do?" ruby rubs her back trying to comfort her.

"How about a screwdriver?" Annie suggests as Elizabeth shakes her head no. "A sledgehammer."

"That's one way to let it out" Hayley said sipping her cranberry juice. "You guys planning on stopping this?"ruby asks the two other girls. "No. You?" Annie asks. "Nah.I'm good" Hayley replies.


The next morning hayley was asleep when Elizabeth called her. As the phone rang Hayley tried to get her phone without looking until it fell. She groaned as she tried to bend over to get her phone from the floor.

Everything she tried it would be uncomfortable so she just say on the floor and grabbed her phone. "Hello?" Hayley said in a sleepy voice.

"Can you come over please I have to tell you guys something" Elizabeth said pleading over the phone. Hayley sighed as she tried to get it. "Yeah I'll be over as soon as I can get up" she grumbled.

"Got stuck on the floor again?" Elizabeth asked chuckling. "Yup" Hayley sighed making Elizabeth laugh more. "I'll be there" Hayley said before hanging up.


About fifteen minutes went by and Hayley makes it over to Elizabeth's house. "What's the news" Hayley says walking in. "We are going to rob that store!" Beth claims.

"What did I miss?" Hayley says looking at sister. "Well We're gonna rob that store." Annie repeats her sister. Hayley looked at her sister in disbelief. "What?!"

"Let me explain" Elizabeth starts out. "Please do" Hayley sighs. "We're gonna rob that store" Elizabeth says making Hayley deadpan. "Seriously"

"Have you lost your mind?"  Ruby hissed at the two sisters. "We were just kidding about the store, Beth." Ruby tried to explain.   "Hey, I wasn't." Annie chimed in , a small grin playing at her lips and her hands in a surrender pose.

   "Well, I was." Hayley says. "Why? you need it just as bad as we do." Annie interjected. "You do realize I'm pregnant" Hayley arched her brow as she rubs her 6 month old belly."We just do it once. And we get some money." Annie tried to explain to her sisters and friend.

"You guys are crazy," Hayley murmured, shaking her head at the crew. "You get help your little girl," Beth exclaimed, then turned to Annie. "You can take care of this custody thing." Then Beth turns to her pregnant sister. "You get to have extra money for your baby."  Beth then pointed to herself. "And I get to save my family. And we're done. We never get to do it again, and we don't sit back and let everything be taken away from us."

Ruby then began to think it over. She had a good point, they all need money for their reasons. There's no way she's getting that kinda money without robbing a place. This treatment can help her daughter tremendously and she can't let this opportunity pass her by.

Just by looking at ruby, Hayley could see that she was in deep thought. Hayley sighed knowing their sister would go through this and there's no way she's not doing this.

"Alright let's do this"

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