Toko/Genocide Jack

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-Her handwriting is so prettyyyyyy- ...Genocide Jack doesn't know how to write.

-likes komaru but doesn't know how to process her feeling cuz yazzz

-makes funs of spelling mistakes

-hates cold food cuz ick-

-likes when komaru messes with her hair but won't admit it

-bisexual with male preference

-bites her nails when she's anxious

-GJ: is aggressively clingy

-toko and Miu would hate each other.

-toko prefers she/they and GJ is like- homophobic homosexual and likes any pronouns

-GJ says "fuck face" way more than needed.

-GJ takes off her glasses for dramatic effect

-HATES kids with a passion especially brats.

-used to be a horse girl in primary school. And refuses to bring it up

-plays and worships Yan Sim

-hates loud noises more than anything

-mitski fan maybe?

-Gets head aches SUPER easily

-GJ leaves toko little drawings of byakuya and toko just throws them away out of irritation

-GJ will call ppl heterophobs but is the most bi thing ever and it's funny af

-hold grudges obviously

-look man I love toko sm but...she definitely slut shames girls-

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