My Broken Heart

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Hi peeps! I just had to update this today because of the drama and also I want this story to be over with. So enjoy and I don't own FT!

(Normal P.O.V)
After the twins came back, they put Levy in the infirmary. "Fro hopes Fairy-chan is alright." They all shared glances. "Lets go call blondie and blue." Rogue rolled his eyes at his partners nicknames.

"Oi! Blondie, your friend is in the infirmary." Lucy ignored his nickname and went by Levy's side. "What happened to her?!"

Rogue had explained everything except for the part when he had kissed Levy. Lucy brushed a strand of Levy's hair away. "I will protect Levy-chan, it was my fault she was brought into this."

She felt a warm hand on her shoulder. "Don't blame yourself Lu. Levy would feel guilty if she heard you say that."

"Lu? What kind of nickname is that?!" Sting just stared at her "What? Do you prefer blondie?!" She stood up.

"Your also a blonde so shut up!" He glared at her. "Make me!" He spat at her while Rogue grew a vein.

"I don't make trash!" She yelled in satisfaction. Then he jumped on her and they started hitting each other and calling names to each other.

Juvia came in and watched standing next to Rogue. This has been going on for a while and both of them grew multiple veins and got annoyed.

"SHUT UP!!!" The blondes both became silent and hugged each other like their lives depended on it. Juvia just went over to Levy and started to heal her.

It been a few hours until Levy woke up. She walked out and saw Lucy, Sting, Juvia, and Rogue sitting at a table drinking and eating. She walked towards them.

"Hi guys." She croaked. "Levy-chan/Levy!" Lucy hugged her. "Are you alright?" She nodded "I am now..." She trailed off and looked at Rogue who was reading a book.

"Thank you Rogue, for helping me. You too Sting!" She smiled. "No problem." Sting said and Rogue nodded.

(Levy P.O.V)
I want to go out, but they probably won't let me. I could always lie, no I would feel guilty. That's when an idea popped in my head.

"I'm gonna go to the store with my friend." They looked at me. "Do you guys want something while I'm over there with her?" I added hoping the girls will catch my hint.

They shook their heads as a no. "Alrighty! I will be back before sunset, bye!" I quickly left and took Celestia with me.

"Where are we going Levy?" Levy sat across from her on the train. She just simply smiled "To Fiore!" Celestia gasped. "But Grandeeney, said we shouldn-" Levy looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

"Please Celestia! Just let me see them once! Please!" Celestia looked away. Then she sighed "Fine!" Levy jumped up and down. "Arigatou!"

(Kristen P.O.V)
Those stupid Sabers! I should have got her when I got the chance! I walked in the master's office.

"What is it that you want?" He asked. "Change of plans..." He looked at me "Again!" I nodded and smirked.

"I have an idea that will make this job easier." He raised a brow at me. "Well?" I had explained to him. Then he grinned "Perfect! Now go on, you wouldn't want to miss the train right?" I nodded. "Right..."

(Normal P.O.V)
After an hour of riding the train, Levy and Celestia made it. "Let's go!" Then Celestia stopped. "Wait!" Levy turned to face her. "Lets put on a disguise." Levy nodded willing to do anything just to see Fairy Tail again.

"Done!" She chirped excitedly. They looked at their reflection near a fountain. Levy had brown hair and eyes wearing glasses. Celestia had brown hair and blue eyes. (Look at media)

"Wow! Celestia your amazing!" She giggled "I know!" Then they started walking towards Fairy Tail. When they got there they saw half the guild outside.

"So this is the famous Fairy Tail I have heard of." Levy nodded looking for a familiar face. Then she caught a sight of black hair heading at the back of the guild. Levy followed him.

"Where are you going?" Celestia asked. Levy shushed her and hid behind a bush. There she saw Gajeel....and he wasn't alone.

"Hehehe! I can't believe that actually happened!" A girl with red and black hair said. He smirked at the girl "Gihi"

Then she moved closer to him and she closed her eyes. She smashed her lips onto his and he froze. Suddenly he kissed back pulling her deeper into the kiss.

Levy gasped and covered her mouth with her hands while tears were at the end of her eyes. Celestia looked at her "Levy...It is best if we leave." Levy nodded and got up.

She suddenly ran away from the scene and Celestia could still smell her tears. She looked back at the couple. "Oh Levy...."

(Levy P.O.V)
What did I do to deserve this? I disappear and he acts like I was nothing, just thin air. My heart broke into a million pieces.

I kept running to who knows where. I made it to the tree that Gajeel hung me up on. I cried even more, why did he do this to me? I loved him, now he is nothing to me!

I got up and wiped my tears. I started heading to a bar and drank my heart out. After spending an hour there I blacked out, but befor I did I saw blonde hair.

Woohoo! Another chapter, I hope you liked this one. Just to make you all anxious, here is a sneak peek to the next chapter.

Mending My Broken Heart

(Normal P.O.V)
Levy just looked out the window from her seat. "Are you alright?" Rogue said coming to sit next to her. She shook her head and he sighed. "I know what will make you feel better." She looked at him "What?"

He blushed slightly. "How about we go to this new restaurant in town?" She looked at him. "Like a... d-date?" He nodded. She blushed and nodded "Ok! When?"

Did you like it? Well bye-bye!

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