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today is the day where chay gonna try something, he's sure he's gonna dream again about this certain someone, cause he didn't dream of anything else since those five months.
he tried so many time to ask his name, but he always remained silent,
so tonight is the night, he's not gonna be silent this time !

it's currently 11 p.m, he's tired, he had a big day, school is tiring
all he want to do is sleep and especially dream of this guy,
whenever he wake up he feel empty knowing that he's no longer with him
so sleeping is his safe place.
he goes to his bed after washing.
half asleep, he's starting to see this boy
when he's completely asleep, everything is clearer, he sees this guy sitting next to him

chay pov :

i look at him with a big smile, he's so beautiful.
"squishy !!" he looks at me smiling, he takes me in his arm
"you're here, i missed you so much chay"
i lean closer to him, chest to chest, im sure he can feel my heart beating so fast
"i missed you too, today was tiring you know"
"school ?" squishy asked
"hmm but i'm fine now"
"chay look at me" i look at him eyes wide open, i tilt my head
"what is that squishy ?" he's so beautiful i could stare at him all my life, i'll never be tired of his face
"i love you so much chay"
he said what?? no way !! this is the first time i heard him say that, i mean we're together but he never said it
i cup his cheeks in my hands before kissing him
out of breath we separate our lips
"let's be together forever" the guy said
i nodded smiling at him, but then i'm serious again
"you have to tell me your name"
"you really want to know huh? five month and you're still asking.. should i tell you?" he gets on my nerves when he's likes that, of course he has to tell me, i'll find him in either way
"stop teasing, of course i want to know, you know how much i want to see you in real life, i know that you're not just a random guy in my dream, you're real and i want you not only in my dreams but also in real life, i want you everyday, so please tell me what's your name" he look at me with such a beautiful gaze but he look a little bit confused
"how do you know ? normally no one know when something in their dreams is real"
"you feel so real to me squishy, sometimes i start dreaming, you're here but you're sleeping, nothing can wake you up, nothing until you wake up on your own because you fell asleep in real life, the same things happen to you when you fell asleep before me, im sleeping next to you and then hop i wake up when i go to sleep, right?" he look amazed
"you're amazing chay... i'll be honest with you, i feel like you're real too and i want to tell you my name, but you have to know that if i tell you who am i right now, you'll never be able to see me in your dream, same thing goes to me"
is this really like that ? what if i don't find him ? i'll never be able to see him again ? you know what fuck it, i'll find him
"ok then i'll find you"
"you're so confident"
"not really but do i have the choice huh ? i want to hug you day and night, i'll do everything to find you, you have to do the same, search me ok?"
"deal, everything for you porchay"

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