Sad!reader x Tempbot pt 1

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You have been stressed with school for a long time, and now you have been hired for a late night gourmet chef. GREAT, JUST GREAT! You sighed in frustration. "HeLlO!" said a shaky voice. SHOOT YOU ZONED OUT. "46!" You said
"I dIdn'T aSk A matH queStIoN?" Tempbot said. "Oh" you replied. "ANYwAys I'M tEmBOt." Tempbot bleeped  "K, (Y/N)"

Time skiddi dop dop dop yes yes yes

Tempbot's POV:
Why do I keep finding myself staring at them..... They're just so cute!!!fu tht t egg gt Ohio NO i dropped my flipping coffee "uhh do I have a spare.." Oh why did I say that out loud. Nope, no spare...
(Y/N) POV:
You see that tempbot dropped his coffee, and pour him some grape juice. The bottle smashes on the ground. "Oh" you said

'nother time skippiping

Tempbot is in front of you as you start to leave, you then fall on the broken glass and slip onto tempbot. Your lips are almost touching. You quickly get up and walk out the door while shutting off the neon sign. You smile to yourself, maybe things won't be so bad.

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