Chapter VI: So You Have Lodging?

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If there was anything Nylah knew how to do, it was kill people. Whether that was shooting them, stabbing them, or just talking their ear off. Mando felt the pulsing of a headache thud against his beskar helmet. Since leaving Nevarro, Nylah hadn't shut up and Mando had half the mind to shove her out into the abyss that was space. Mando shook his head. He needed all the help he could get. The entirety of the Guild was now after them and they would stop at nothing to get the child.

Mando turned around in his pilot's chair and looked at the child, who was soundly sleeping through Nylah's monologue. What could this guy want with this small, green, child? Mando could only assume it had to do with his...powers.

"You know what? Screw the Guild," Nylah said, gaining Mando's attention. She crossed her arms over her chest, "They were never good for anything anyway. I should have just stuck to what I know best."

She raised a brow at the lack of Mando's reaction.

"Should have become a serial killer." Nylah leaned forward to get a better view of his 'face'. Again, Mando didn't react.

"Are you serious? Not even a laugh?"

"I couldn't tell if you were being serious or not," he said, in his signature monotone voice.

Nylah couldn't stop the laugh that erupted from her mouth, "Dammit! I hate you! You're funnier than I am and you don't even try!"

Nylah couldn't tell but Mando hid a small grin under his helmet.

They traveled for another few hours. Mando wasn't sharing his plan, much to Nylah's displeasure. She sat in her chair behind him as she played with her armband. It hadn't been repaired since they fought with the IG unit to get the child.

Movement caught her eye. She turned to see the child push a button, turning it off. A small grin spread across her lips. The child, seeing her grin, pressed the button again, turning whatever the button led to, back on.

"Stop touching things," Mando told the child. The child's large eyes went from Mando to Nylah/ Nylah could almost see the gears turning in his mind. Disobey Mando and make Nylah laugh or obey Mando and not entertain Nylah.

The child slowly leaned over and pressed a different button, causing the ship to rattle. Mando quickly reached over and pressed the button again, turning it off. He picked up the child and moved him from the platform next to him to his lap. Nylah smiled. So sweet, she thought.

"Let's see," Mando started. "Sorgan. You ever heard of it?" He asked her.

"Nope," Nylah replied, not bothering to look up from her armband.

"Looks like there's no starport, no industrial centers, no population density. Real backwater skug hole."

"Sounds perfect for us," Nylah chimed in. She grinned. The idea of her and Mando raising a child together, platonically (even if he was one of the sexiest nerf herders she's ever met) made her feel a little warm inside. If she was no longer in the Guild and had no plan in life, this was something she could do to at least help someone.

"Ready to lay low and stretch your legs for a couple of months, you little womp rat? Nobody's gonna find us here."

The Razer Crest landed carefully on the green planet of Sorgan. Nylah couldn't remember the last time she saw green.

Mando picked up the child and handed him to Nylah, who accepted wholeheartedly.

"I'm gonna go out there and look around. It shouldn't take too long. I'll find us some lodging and come back for you two."

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