Oneshot 1

15 1 21

Small Area?
Cringe Writing
I think that's it
Let me know if I'm going against any of Ranboo's boundaries!
To make this easier I'm gonna use masculine pronouns for Ranboo.
Noone's POV

Thunderstorms. Y/N hates them, they are scared of them. Which is why they are currently under a bunch of blankets, also clutching a y/f/a [your favorite animal] plushie close to them. Ranboo had given it to them on their [whatever birthday ranging 10-15] birthday.

   Ranboo is and has been Y/N's best friend since they[Y/N] were 10. Currently, Y/N was waiting for Ranboo to get back from the store. He is getting snacks for a movie marathon. The two of them are watching Y/F/M/S [Your Favorite Movie Series, yes, I know, these are very confusing, for you and me both.].

   Y/N jumps as they hears another thunderbolt [someone tell me what it's called] strike. They hope that Ranboo will be back soon. Y/N grabs their phone from the coffee table and checks their notifications for any messages from Ranboo. Seeing that there are none, they put the phone down beside them and curled into a ball.


   Another thunderbolt strikes. Y/N jumps and clutches the plushie closer to them. They start crying and pul their knees closer to their chest, mentally scolding themself for crying. They wish the thunderstorm would stop.

Ranboo's POV

   I pull into the driveway of an all-to-familiar house. Inside is my best friend. I park and stop the car, grabbing the bags in the seat next to me, getting out, and running to the front door. I unlock the door using the key on my keychain.

   I walk into the house, shutting and locking the door, then taking off my soaking wet shoes. I hear a noise, it sounds like muffled whimpering. I look around the room until my eyes land on the couch. There is a pile of blankets sitting on something.

   As I walk closer to the pile of blankets, the noise gets louder. I realize what the 'something' is that the pile of blankets is sitting on. I drop the bags in my hand and run over to the pile of blankets, sitting next to it. I pull the pile of blankets into a hug.

   "Shhh.. It's ok.. I'm here now.." I whisper to the pile of blankets [weirdo /j]. I let go of the pile of blankets and take them off of the shaking Y/N. Y/N says nothing, but instead pulls me back into a hug. I start rubbing their back.

Noone's POV

   "I'm sorry I was gone so long.." Ranboo says guiltily. "It's fine, it wasn't your fault." Y/N quietly replies. "Ok.. I got you Y/F/S and Y/F/D for the movie marathon.!" [Your favorite snack and your favorite drink.] Ranboo brings up excitedly. "Ooh, thank you Ran! Although I do wish I could pay you back though.." [I would say "Boo" but that would create some sort of conflict.] "You're welcome N/N! And it's fine, we're besties!" [Nickname] Ranboo says gleefully.

   It stays silent for a few moments. "Well what are we waiting for? LET'S GET THIS MARATHON STARTED!" Y/N shouts energetically. Ranboo chuckles and turns on Y/F/M/S and puts the snacks and drinks on the coffee table in front of them [Your favorite movie series]. Y/N lays their head on Ranboo's shoulder and moves closer [Don't take that the wrong way.]. Ranboo smiles at this and wraps blankets around and on the two of them.

   Both Y/N and Ranboo end up finishing their snacks and drink in the first part of the second movie. They also talk during the movies about how dumb the characters can be sometimes. Y/N falls asleep halfway through the third movie and Ranboo falls asleep shortly after. They both end up sleeping on the couch that night [That sounds wrong.].

The End

First oneshot done! I did warn you that it would be cringe so..-
Anyways, thank you so much for reading!
Vote or Ranboo the Goblin will steal all of your candy. /j
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720 Words

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