Midnight Stroll

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AN: This is just straight smut idc
Life in the Special Forces was hard. Missions were hard enough for you but you pulled through. You used many things to get by and pass the time. Things could get way too overwhelming though which resulted in no sleep and headaches.

You were currently outside, sneaking out past the base for a midnight stroll. It helped you relax and hopefully get some sleep before continuing the mission tomorrow. Soap knew your coordinates and as the lookout, that's all that matters.

You decided to take a quick break, finding the closest half torn down building and entering it. Thankfully it wasn't too chilly, especially considering the floor was just concrete. No difference compared to the safe house cot they got you sleeping on.

You laugh at your little unfunny joke before stripping off your jacket and resting it on the ground. You waste no time, dropping down and laying your head on the makeshift pillow. It was thin.

It must have been enough because you found yourself dozing off. You're not sure how long it had been but a harsh voice stirs you out of your sleep. You hated how incautious you were with the new person.

"What are you doing here?" The intruder asks, making you open your eyes. You knew it was Ghost before you even glanced over. You'd be able to recognize his voice anywhere. The man was illuminated in the dim light and you could only really make out the bulky frame of his body, the same body you craved over you. The only thing keeping him in view was the streetlights above.

"Relaxing." You answer as you close your eyes again. You felt Ghost take a seat beside you and it was unexpected. You thought he would leave as soon as he realized this building wasn't unoccupied and you were actually alive. You knew exactly how and why he found you. Soap most likely sent him when your coordinates stopped moving for a period of time. You weren't trying to fall asleep.

You're not sure why Soap would send Ghost or why he even agreed to find you. Ghost was never the nicest or most friendly to you. Especially not after he realized you were doing everything in your favor to get with him. Most of these army men fall for your charm, either that or they're just that desperate for any action. Either way, you didn't mind because you both got what you wanted. That's until you started to want Ghost. No other man mattered to you. Sure, you still slept with a few of them occasionally, mostly Price, but they never lived up to how you imagined Ghost to be. You pictured him to be rough and needy.

There was no doubt he was a virgin. Based on his reaction to your flirting, he either had a girl back home or didn't know how to react to a woman's advances. Your guess was the latter. You wanted to be his first, wanted him to worship and ravish you until you couldn't walk. You wanted him to be obsessed and never forget you.

A part of you knew that if he truly  was  a virgin, he could be sloppy, so inexperienced. He probably wouldn't touch you other than the intercourse and you probably wouldn't cum either. You'd have to go run to Price afterward for an actual decent fuck. You didn't want the real version to ruin your fantasy about him.

"What happened to your neck?" Ghost asks, and it jumps you from your dirty thoughts. As you turn your head towards him, you could feel the wetness seeping past your folds, staining your underwear. It's so embarrassing that the man beside you can get you wet just by thoughts of him. Thoughts that might not even be accurate. You almost didn't want Ghost to give in to your advances. You liked the chase and denial, not getting this energy from the other men.

For someone who wanted nothing to do with you, Ghost sure was asking a lot of questions. Questions you didn't know if you had real answers to. You forgot about your neck. Price gets a little  too  excited some days and the last time you hooked up, he choked you until you almost passed out. It embarrasses you to think you came untouched because of it, the marks making your pussy throb every time you see them. You've been wearing a scarf to cover it but you didn't think you would need to hide it on your walk.

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