*Remember that Sirius and Tonks are cousins.
"How many of those plates do you reckon I could balance on my head?"
"None, Padfoot, none."
"What do ya mean by that?"
"They would spontaneously combust as soon as you touched them."
"Shove off, Moony."
"If you haven't noticed, Padfoot, you haven't got any any other friends to complain about me to."
That's rich coming from you."
"And that's rich because....."
"Just because you've got a girl and I don't, you think you can bully me!"
"What in heaven do you mean, "got a girl", Pads?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
"No, Pads, it's really not. I haven't the foggiest what you're rambling about."
"Tonks, of course."
"You're mad, Padfoot. Barking mad."
"No, Moony, she's mad for you."
"Nymphadora is a young, talented, witch. Why, would she be mad for an old, broke, werewolf?"
"Well, Moony, ask her. I'm sure she would love to tell you."
"Shove off, Padfoot."
"Ouch, has your heart shrivelled up with your old age?"
"Padfoot, can you shut it? You haven't exactly resisted time either."
"Ooh, grouchy now. You gonna bite me?"
"Wotcher, Remus!"
"Oh. Hello."
"Hi, cus!"
"What's up with him, Sirius?"
"Who? Oh, Moony."
"Padfoot, there's no one else in the room. Who'd you think she was talking to, the couch?"
"I'm trying to talk, Moony!"
"Talk, then."
"Well, Moony is the most bloody optimistic werewolf ever!"
"Sure, Sirius. I can....see that. Has Sirius put you in this sulk, Remus?"
"Maybe. And can I just add-"
"Ohhhh, here we go-"
"And Padfoot is the most charming, drunk, hippogriff owning single bachelor ever."
"Ouch. You had to bring Buckbeak into it, didn't you. I'm gonna apologies to him for you."
"By all means, do so."
*Sirius Exits. There is a pause.
"Remus, stop being such a prat."
"I was being perfectly civil, Nymphadora. The truth hurts, that's all."
"Don't call me that!"
"Very well."
"And stop being such a prat."
"As you wish."
"You know you're a bloody prat, right, Remus?"
"Thank you."

Constructive Conversations
MizahSirius and Remus talk. A lot. What they talk about (hippogriffs, chocolate, and a particularly charming metamorphmagus) is always of interest.