I looked up to my face holding up my mirror when suddenly i heard some knocking inside the mirror. You took the mirror close to your ear as it whispered "Hi it's me your holy mirror, How are you ? " You nodded in a okay. And the mirror continued stating " You know i always wanted to tell you something that people always say that mirror mirror do I look beautiful blah blah blue blue . But nobody said to me that mirror the person you showing to me right now is the most beautiful and i don't need validation.
See that the problem human need validation . No matter what they say they do give importance to people's opinion . "
As i heard those words I quickly put down the mirror and i screamed I AM BEAUTIFUL.Darkness : I can see in darkness. But you know basically is darkness. Something which you can't see. Soo what people can't see. People can't see others pain, others struggles, others insecurities, others guiltiness , others mind and sadly others heart. They can't see others love and others efforts.
Quote - Unquote
PoetryJust my inner musings framed and twisted into Quotes. Might contain short stories also.