CHAPTER 6 how it all started

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Meika told her story why she stopped herself from studying but after all she got recovered from it but she'll never forget that for the rest of her life.

So Meika was bullied, because she likes anime and being a newbie to their school and her classmates often call her a weirdo and she said in the previous chapters that her favorite anime is hunter x hunter and she has a crush on killua so meika likes only one fictional character instead of a real person reason why her classmates bullying her.

(So as an anime fan I'm also annoyed while writing this Hehe I experienced the same situation bullying is never gonna be good!)

So that's not the only thing they did to meika. they also locked Meika in the rest room until she couldn't breathe because of fear that she might not be able to get out And they also turned off and on the light to scare meika.

In the following days, they put a lot of cockroaches in Meika's bag, causing Meika to scream loudly and they even took a video of it and posted it on social media.

And as time goes on, meika's bullies get worse. While Meika was walking in the hallway, she doesn't have any idea that there was an embarrassment waiting for her when she opened the door of their classroom.

After Meika opened the door of their classroom, a gallon of water spilled over her and she couldn't do anything but go home and cry while her classmates took her some video and posted it on social media again.

They also threatened her so she'll not tell anything or else they're going to beat her. Meika stayed quiet and endured all of it until she gave up with her classmates.

But fortunately her parents helped her so they called a psychiatrist also to recover meika from her trauma. Many years have passed and until now Meika is still in high school but it is not obvious from Meika's outward appearance that she has aged a little. So meika started her life again instead of giving up until she found some good friends.

Back to meika's current POV:

Friend 1: Oh, that's what happened, sorry to hear that from you...

Friend 2: Sorry for forcing you to answer our questions bro!

Friend 3: I'm really sorry meika! we don't know! I wish we hadn't asked... We should've stayed curious but still sorry... by the way... What's your bullies names?! I'll skin them alive!!

Meika: no no no haha it's fine now let's forget about it! please calm down! At least I found some good friends now hehe

Friend 3: No! I will kill the shit out of them!

Meika's friend clenched their fist and meika calming them down.

Meika: come on calm down! that's enough! That's all over and let's move on... let's just focus on the present now.

Their conversation with Meika was suddenly interrupted because their teacher suddenly came And after their class ended, Meika saw a mysterious old woman and she saw the one punch man manga that the old woman is selling in a cheap price so meika immediately bought it.

After meika bought the one punch man manga she saw akane and she started to talk with her.

Meika: hi!

Akane: uhh.. hi!

Meika: how are you?

Akane: oh! I'm doing great! Thanks for asking... What about you?

Meika: ohh I'm good!

Akane: btw, what do you want to tell me when we were in the cafeteria?Our conversation was interrupted because of the bell haha sorry I was curious.

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