Chapter 22. I'm coming with you!

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Sunstreaker looked up from his position on his hood. 'Took you long enough,' he grumbled. I sat down beside him. 'Prowl didn't want me to talk to you until after my shift.' We sat in silence for a while until he spoke up again. 'Did you see the news?' I nodded slowly and fiddled with my fingers. 'Yeah... I did.' Sunstreaker turned his head and stared at me. My parents' killer had made two new victims, also a couple. I saw it during my lunch break.

Sunstreaker nudged me softly with his elbow. 'You see... I didn't kill them.' I snorted at his statement. 'You still have to apologize for that,' he added. 'Fine... I'm sorry,' I muttered. 'So sincere.' I flashed him a wry smile and shrugged. 'The best I can do.' He huffed and stared at me before he grabbed my jaw and pressed a kiss on my lips.

I pushed him away and jumped up. 'Sunstreaker! What the hell!' I exclaimed. He got up. 'I— I am sorry...' he raised his hands at peace. 'My gosh...' I turned around. 'Sky! Wait!' he sprinted after me and blocked my way. 'What makes you think you can just do that!' I spat. 'I thought you wanted it...' I crossed my arms. 'That I wanted it?!' I repeated in disbelief.

'Hey, hey... easy you two.'

Ratchet came between us. 'That's enough, I don't want you two to start fighting again.' He gave me a look. 'I'm done with you!' I snapped and stormed off. 'Sky!' I heard him shout. I pushed the open and felt someone grab my wrist. Ratchet pushed me into a bathroom. 'Can you just pretend that didn't happen?'

I glared daggers. 'Pretend it didn't happen?!' I snapped. 'Sky, Sunstreaker is not good with picking up body signals. Can you just—' he paused and took a deep breath. 'Let this one slide?' He finished. I shook my head in disbelief. 'It wasn't even a real kiss... just an attempt,' he added. 'You always defend him. You always take responsibility for the things he does, but he can damn well see what is happening in front of him!'

Ratchet sucked in a breath. 'I told him to kiss you.' I raised a brow. 'Why would you do that?! This is what I am talking about!' I snapped. 'I'm telling you... I told him. It's not his fault.' I didn't believe one single word of it. 'Don't walk away from him now. He needs a friend.' I shook my head. 'Sunstreaker is not my BFF,' I growled. 'That's not what I mean... if you walk away now... he will kill you and that's based on rejection and humiliation.' I huffed and paced around. 'He tried to kiss me! Of course, I rejected it!'

'Sky, please...'

I gazed at him. 'Don't do this to him... he's in pain.' I shook my head. 'You're just as bad as he is! Playing with my feelings...' I trailed off snappily. He stared at me. 'He told me he was happy to have you around...' I kept shaking my head. 'Please?' I gazed at him. 'I'm not doing it for you or him! By the end of the summer, I'm out of here!' I pushed him aside and strode back into the hangar. Sunstreaker got up from his hood and stared at me. 'Your timing sucks.'

I saw a little bit of relief in his eyes. 'I know... it's not good timing. I should've asked you on a date or something... next time it will be better.' he trailed off. I wanted to tell him there is no 'next time' or 'date' but I didn't want to get on his bad side either. Instead, I replied; 'I'm tired... I am going back to my uncle's place.' Sunstreaker nodded slowly. 'Y-yeah... we are good, right? You are just tired and stressed, right?'


I gave a small nod and stepped back. 'I can take you home.' I shook my head. 'It's not my home, Sunstreaker. I need this walk, so... I'll see you tomorrow.' I waved it off and walked off before he would throw more questions at me. I walked back slowly. Processing what just had happened.

The next morning, Sunstreaker was waiting for me in the lobby. He cautiously eyed me. 'Good morning...' I flashed him a weak smile back. 'Morning...' I mumbled. 'Do you have time to go into town with me?' He softly touched my back. After what happened last day, I didn't want to go, but I'm sure he'll know why I say no. 'I'm already late... maybe during my lunch break.'

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