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She is in her mid-20s.

Skyler's father is a villain similar to the demon warlock. A feared, powerful demon called the demon king, thus skyler's last name being King. He is a sick and twisted demon, but more like a mad scientist type than a simple "I want to cause destruction."

His name is still yet to be determined. I will update my OC book to explain his story, however, as a brief summary. He was a demon who wanted to just find a 'simple' answer to a simple question. Can a demon mate with a human and create the perfect half and half, however, still have demonic powers. He would buy women his way with them just to see what would happen. He found out that most mortal women are incapable of reproducing with a demon as their bodies are too weak. He was close to giving up with the first two women dying, but the third time's the charm. However, the children passed away during pregnancy or right after. By the 5th woman he was wondering if it would be possible as his children were dying or not perfect halves as they had either more demonic traits or were more human and they all pass away through the hellish 'training' their father put them through. However, the 6th woman provided the perfect half and half. Skyler, or known as experiment 6.5, is the fifth child from the 6th woman.

Skyler has two forms. A human form and a demon form. In her human form, she looks perfectly normal as a demon she has grey skin, bat wings, a long lizard like tail, and horns similar to goats. Red eyes that glow when angered/ scared or using her powers. Her powers will be described later.

Growing up, she went through so much pain and experiments along with training. She also is to be married as soon as he finds out that she isn't fertile as the demon King might as well get a profit from said experiment.

She was to be married but always found a way to postpone it. She would suddenly become ill, maybe really injured she couldn't even stand, maybe make herself look horrendous by injuring her face and cutting her hair. Anything that will 'devalue' her to any possible demon. Since demons are greedy and only want the best. And it is already hard enough for someone to find a half demon half human valuable.

She was trained to be an assassin. She used her divine gifted powers (if you know, you know ; ) to anyone that doesn't it is a different power made up between someone else and I. Not an actual thing in the cannon) to keep her father's wrath at bay. At least enough to make sure he didn't kill her for all her disobedience.

She was engaged by the time she made her escape. Her powers are even stronger, though, than they would have been since now she was trained to use her powers.
She can go in and out of shadows at will and take people into them as well. Light doesn't burn her as much as she learns to wear a full body suit, so only her face is revealed. She can make any weapon still out of shadow essence but learned to make them stronger so their durability is strengthened. She learned how to puppeteer animals using their shadows. She can also kill using someone's shadow by making a person break any bone in their body if she manipulates it enough to do something a human can't do. She can also thank her that her divine gifted powers can lead someone's mind into a dark, sinister place. Almost as if mind controlling them. She can be very twisted at times if she needs to. If she sees you as her enemy, you are dead.

With this, she has bruises and more scars than before. Her face has a scar going from her nose to her left cheek, the same level as her lip. Her left eye is well a black eye. She had brushes and scars all over her chest and down her stomach. A prominent one going from her right breast down to her belly botten. Another smaller one is going horizontal across her stomach slightly lower than her belly botten. Her back is covered in wipe marking. Her legs are covered in scratches and scars as well as bruises. She had brand marks on her thighs from all her betrothals from before. All messes up with self-made scars. The newest, as it still is in the healing process, is that of the T.
Why does she have so many fresh wounds? Because she was beaten by her father to make sure that she doesn't mess this one up this time. And that was the final straw. She knew she had to leave before her new husband does the same too her. She had enough. She was desperate to try and find something better. Her mother before she passed away *another thing I will update in my OC book* told skyler about the world beyond their castle's walls. A better place. Is it much better no, at least that isn't how the mom saw it but it was better than what she was forced to do in the hands of a demon.
She left to try and find a new place to call home.

However, the world has not been nice to her. She may now be fully capable of hiding her demon features. Her wings horns and tail are able to hide, but her magical aura is not so easy to hide anymore. It is just that powerful. She learned that humans are afraid of demons. Calling them monsters trying to 'defend' themselves while throwing her out to fend for herself in the woods. She gave up trying to find a village to call her home and was managing to stay alive by building a small shack she calls home. She knew the basics to survive in the wild.

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