Where she meets some of the crew

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This takes place after the time skip and after the crew met travis.

The villagers, along with some of the crew, were getting worried as recently a new powerful dark aura was rather close to the village. Thus, a small crew went to the forest to try and find out what the source of this uneasiness was.

Dante, Katelyn, aphmau, and travis found skyler's shack. However, they find it odd how dark it seemed to have gotten around it. Only for them to see movement from inside.
Dante saw blood on the path to the front. While Katelyn noticed to the side that there is almost like an archery range with shattered glass and targets with their center hits perfectly.
Aphmau noticed a small storage to the side with some food being properly stored well as properly as a medieval person can store food. Aphmau noticed it was only enough from what seemed like one, maybe two people? She wasn't sure as it was getting close to winter, so maybe it was just precautions.
Travis, however, stops everyone finally being able to tell that this aura was demonic. And a strong one at that. Not as strong as his father's, but one that genuinely made him worried.

Skyler had noticed that the crew was getting close to her. She was trying to figure out if she should attack or try to just run away. She hated hurting others but knew that if they hurt her, she would have to fight back. She was too freaked out to notice that one was very similar to her. She decided to try and hide in the shadows. However, she stopped upon hearing their voices.

"What is it, travis? Wait, why are you in that form?"

"Whomever is in there is a demon. A powerful one at that."

"A demon!?" Dante drew out his sword.

"So they are truly dangerous after all." Katelyn says softly.

"Excuse me?" Travis would be a bit offended.

"What you are dangerous if you needed to be. You are powerful." Katelyn tried to rephrase.

Aphmau looks at the shack only to see the figure gone, but nothing feels different.

"Where did they go-" aphmau stops as skyler formed behind her with a dagger at aphmau's throat and skyler's demon form. She glares at all of them. Her eyes glowed red.

"Lady aphmau!" Dante glares at skyler but was shaking a bit. He, for once, was actually scared and worried for aphmau's safety

Katelyn was ready to attack, but Skyler stopped them all.

"Dont get any closer!" Skyler says as her voice was deeper than what should have been for a normal human female, at least. She pressed the dagger harder into aphmau's skin, but once she heard aphmau's breath hitch, she loosened it again. Skyler was shaking a bit before slowly becoming a bit wobbly. She finally looks at travis. She was shaking a bit since, for once, she felt like he was close if not more powerful than her. As once again, she is from a very powerful demon, and her powers have been trained so much so that she can keep somewhat keep up with her father, which most average level demons can not. Her hair was covering her black eye and even her scars on her face.

"Why are you here?" Aphmau asked, trying to keep everything calm while she was being held hostage.

Skyler hesitates before answering, "This is where I live now... I-I wasn't bothering anyone, but now 4 people with weapons are trying to ambush me." Skyler seemed upset as somehow she seemed like the bad guy again when all she wanted was to live peacefully.

"We are sorry. We must have frightened you. We just wanted to make sure our village and the villagers were safe. We could tell a dark, powerful being was around all." Aphmau says, albeit a bit nervous.

Skyler glares at all the people with weapons but sighs softly. "If you make sure nobody hurts me, I can leave... I didn't think me being in the middle of this forest would cause humans problems."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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