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At the school

I think this story is all quackitys pov

As when we're at the office I sensed a dark aura around us but thought nothing of it because no one is happy at school (i know im never happy there), as they gave us our dorm numbers we splat up to get changed into some proper attire

-at my dorm-
As i walked in it was night and i saw my roomate sitting by the tv so I decided to talk to them
Quackity:"hello I'm your new roomate,what's your name"
???:"oh hey my name is Julie"
Quackity:"nice to meet you Julie my name is Alexandra but call me Alex"
I still looked like a girl so that's why they sent me to the female area
Julie:"well Alex,I'm going to head out hope to speak again soon"
Quackity:"bye Julie,have fun"
As I waved she walked out the door,after standing there for a solid minute i went to my room still feeling that negative aura, it was really starting to bug me now.
Quackity:"i know someone's here, come out and show yourself"
As I said that a person formed from the air that looks like a girl
Quackity:"who are you and why are you following me"
???:"my name is Sara,Sara berry and I'm following you because you seem...different from the other girls"
Quackity:"well that doesn't concern you, please leave"
Sara:"i can't leave, I'm a spirit connected to the school and can't rest until I have what I want"
Quackity:"well what do you want"
Sara:"i want to be prom queen but there were some difficulties"
Quackity:"and how do you need me for that"
Sara:"you alive,strong and popular. I just need to borrow your body for a bit"
Quackity:"well when is the prom exactly"
Sara:"in a week, please do help me I'm just a poor girl looking to rest"
Quackity:"fine but don't do anything unreasonable please"
Sara:"thank you Alex"
As she thanked me she went inside my body and it felt so weird to see but not control my body"

-in the morning (Monday)-

Sara:'Alex have you signed up for prom yet'
Quackity:'no, I just got here yesterday'
Sara:'ok and do you mind if I use my name'
Quackity:'i mean I have no control in my body, so sure'
After we discussed the do's and dont's of my body we got dressed in a white tank top, jeans with white shocks and black boots. When we got inside of the school the first thing I saw was a sign up board for what I asume is the prom
Quackity:'hey Sara, is that it'
Sara:'it is, keen eye'
She signed her name and walked to the art room were dream was
Quackity:'that's dream, one of my friends. We should go say hi to not sound suspicious'
Sara:'right after I get the paper'
We walked over to a draw and got 10 pieces of paper and pen
Quackity:'is this really necessary'
Sara:'if I want to win,we need to go big'
Dream walked over to me/us and it seemed like Sara was nervous
Quackity:'hey it's ok'
Sara:'but I don't know how to act like you'
Quackity:'just say what I say'

Dream:"hey quackity how's it going"
Quackity:'it's a nickname'
Quackity:"hey dream, didn't see you there"
Dream:"haha but anyways who's your roomate,mine is George"
Quackity:"a girl named Julie"
Quackity:'do you know them'
Sara:'oh, no just sounded familiar'
Quackity:"well I'm going to go find them, see you later"
As he finished i went looking for my roomate and I saw her surrounded by a bunch of people
Quackity:"julie he-,what happened to your leg"
Julie:"a racoon bit it when I was walking to the shop for a snack"
Quackity:"that's awful"
Julie:"ik but now they convinced me to join the prom queen vote and I already got a lot of votes"
Sara:"pity votes'
Quackity:"you say something"
Sara:"oh sorry just talking to myself, but now we have to step it up'
Quackity:'i think julie should have it, she deserves it'
Sara:'what, nononono NO, I NEED THIS, ME'
Quackity:'calm down we don't need to get angry'
Sara:'forget it let's get back'

-prom night-

It was prom night and hopefully this will be the last Sara is in my body, we got change into our outfit which was a blue dress with gold sparkles, white gloves, white tights, golden heels, my hair was in a high bun and I had red lipstick with red eyeliner and mascara.
When we got inside the school we went towards the janitors closet
Quackity:'why are we at the janitors room'
Sara:' to get rat poison, to take out the competition of course'
Quackity:'no we can't, we can't just murder them'
Sara:'you can't, i will'
As we walked out with the rat poison we went to the dance room and poured the poison in a cup and walked up to one of my glass mates Patricia
Quackity:"here Patricia, to say good luck 😁"
Patricia:"thank you Alex,good luck too"
As we handed it to her we walked off but when I heard a thud I immediately felt guilty
Quackity:'i feel awful'
Sara:'don't be were popular'

After that we walked to the other participant Rachel
Quackity:"hey Rachel, can you follow me for a sec i need to show you something important"
Rachel:"sure Alex, but be quick i have things to attend to"
Quackity:"i wouldn't dare hold you back, follow me"
As we walked outside the back door i was sure no one was here
Quackity:"look over there"
Rachel:"we're,i can't se-..."
When she was about to finish her sentence I bashed her head with a rock multiple time's to make sure she was dead
Quackity:'this makes me sick'
Sara:'one step closer to becoming queen'
As I turned around I was shocked to see techno right behind me
Techno:"blood for the blood god"
Quackity:"techno, it's not what you think"
Tench:"I'm not complaining, this is pog"
As he said that he walked inside to we're the prom was hosted
Sara:'is he always like this'
Quackity:'most of the time *sigh*

As we walked to the girls bathroom Sara seemed shocked to see Anne there
Sara:'easy rival eliminated'
She took a hammer from inside the tights and bashed Anne's head into the mirror with it but it was a bit ironic that her final words were
It was like she was expecting it
Sara:'was her last words really 'oh' are you kidding me'
Quackity:'just get this over with,who's next"
Quackity:'oh what do you have planned for her'
Sara:'you'll see'

As we went back to the hall we saw Marianna talking to her 'boyfriend', we all know she payed him to ask her out so I didn't feel bad for what Sara had planned for her.
When we got to her, I was kind of dreading what would come out her mouth
Quackity:"hey Mari, can you come with me i have a problem with something"
Marianna:"sure girl, but what happened to you?"
When I looked down I saw that there were splatters of blood on my dress
Quackity:"oh nothing just someone poured paint on my dress
Quackity:'paint, really'
Sara:'what did you want me to say'
Quackity:"please come it's urgent"
As we walked out the door, we made small talk to pass the time when we walked to the forest
Marianna:"why are we at the forest?"
Quackity:"look at that tree"
As she did so Sara took match stick out our purse and lit it
Quackity:"rival eliminated"
As she said that she dropped the match on Marianna's dress and burned her to death (why do i keep using as 💀)

When we went back the the school it was almost time to announce the royals
Sara:'we're running out of time, might as well do a blood run'
Quackity:'what's a blood run??'
Sara:'you'll find out'
We ran as i could in my human form back to the hall and it seemed next was Quiara the quiet kid,we took her arm and dragged her to the pool. We tied her mouth, arm and legs with a pieces of clothe from my dress and dropped her in the pool to drown
We ran back to the hall with no time to spare and picked up a knife on the table as we ran to Eunice and stabbed her multiple times her not caring if people were watching us but i did, my friends were just staring at me like I was a different person.

As we walked to the stage the announcer fled but we didn't care as long as we're queen it means nothing
We put the crown on our head and took the septer in aw
Quackity:"*wisper*i can't believe it"
As we were staring at the crowd only filled with my friends still shocked from what I just just said, I felt a pain in my back as I fell to the floor letting go of the septer about to pass out
With all my strength left I yelled out
Quackity:" HOW DARE YOU HURT M-me..."
After I yelled that all I could see was black

(Cliffhanger, I'm surprised if anyone even reads this in the first place)

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