N x Reader

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N used to dream about one specific human he used to go with, Y/N.
"Hi" You greeted.
"H-hi miss, I - I am just serving some drinks to the guest of this party" (worker drone) N said.
"Oh, come on! dance with me! Since this is a party, you need to have fun!" You said, pulling N to join you, ended up with the glass falling down.
You and N started to dance; it was wonderful. N have never danced before in his life. You hanged out together and you brought him to a garden of the house.
"Oh I shouldn't be he-" n said but you just pulled the drone down to sit on the grass.
You smiled at and making him blush. You gave him a flower crown and he gave you a flower on your head.
After several months past you've gotten ill. An illness that can't be cured by medicine or any procedure.
The guest and N arrived to see you. You saw N and you smiled.
"You are my favorite robot." after those last words you passed away.
"NO NO!" N said.
N then woke up after that dream. N then followed Uzi to the pod.
Meanwhile on earth you woke up.
"AH! I- I thought... I should be dead." You said, but something is different. Your hands are more metallic. You can see settings on your visions, it says you are charging. You tried to unplug the wire behind you. And you realized you are a drone. You then remembered your dad, your dad was a millionaire, he also works for JCJenson and he made a deal to Jenson to make you alive again, transferring your consciousness to a drone body.
"My dad..." You then thought about it. You saw people above you are talking, and you started to hide. You saw robotic arms giving you clothes, the same clothes on the dance.
You opened the glass door and you saw people around you. You started to run to a new place where they are loading drones in space pods, you secretly walked past them and went in the pod.
"UHHH, okey how to start this thing..." You said to yourself. You saw a button and it powers the systems of the ship, you started to fly the ship into space and landed it to a snowy planet, the pod says it is Copper 9.
"Hello?" you walked outside the pod.
"HELLOOO!" Still no answer you just explored the cold wasteland. You saw skeletons of dead humans and drones, you started to get an uneasy feeling, the feeling that you are going to die again.
You then saw another pod and you walked towards it you knocked on the pod and it opens.
"Hello?" N said. N then started at you. You remembered that drone's face.
"N!" You hugged N.
"Uhh... who are you?" N asked.
N doesn't remember a drone like you.
"I-Its me! Y/N, We used to waltz around and we used to play in the garden!" You said.
"W-WAIT how do you know about Y/N!?" N said.
"Who is even Y/N" Uzi asked.
"I AM!" You said "I was once human, but my dad somehow converted me into a drone. I escaped JCJenson"! You said
"Oh" Uzi said.
N then looked up and down, he compared your old picture to you right now.
"I see that you also wear the same dress as her... but I can't be so sure." N said.
"By this." You said.
You then kissed N. Overloading his systems to remember you.
"Y/N!" N said.
"Welcome back N!" You said.
You then explained on how its going. N explained that he killed J and J turned into a monster and killed that along with a living heart.
"Huh... sounds like a wild adventure" You said.
N chuckled. "IT WAS!"

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