Love-hate relationship

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Eden stepped into her new school, nervous. Were people nice or mean here? Would she find friends? A boyfriend? Keep reading to find out! (Lmao cringe 😎)

Chapter one; Love-hate relationships.

She walked towards her locker, trying to seem confident in her darkly colored sweater and jeans, with jewelry decorated in bones and crystals. She sighed subtly as she slammed her locker shut, and a textbook fell to her feet. She reached down to grab it, but saw a boy her age with his hands across her book. He grasped it gently, and slid it into her hands.

"Hey!" He remarked confidently.

She wished she could just thank him and go, but it looked like he wanted a conversation. Uh-oh, Eden is bad at those. "Hey! My names Daniel! What's your name?"

She stared at his face. His stupid smile was agitating her. How could anyone be happy in this hell-hole? Surely not the janitors.

Eden turned to close her ajar locker, and mumbled a thank you. He put his hand on her shoulder, (ew, gross.) And asked her if she was okay. She rolled her eyes.

Does this dude not get the memo? She asked herself.

She wanted nothing more than for him to leave. She stalked off in a hurry, to Mrs. Aliyah's class. Science lab it is.


And just a few moments later, something strange happened. Daniel stumbled into the lab, bruised and bloody, shirt disheveled, pants wrinkled. Mrs. Aliyah was not pleased. "Mr. Amilo, this isn't your class."

He nodded in acknowledgement, and placed a finger over his lips. Two gruff boys stormed down the hallways in a flash, and he slumped against the wall. The teachers face went from annoyance to concern.

"Son, did they hit you?"

Daniel nodded, and his body crumbled to the ground in an exhausted gesture.

Another few minutes later, Eden, (lucky me, ugh. She thought.) Was helping the limping teenager to the infirmary. He plopped into a chair outside the small office, and she took up the responsibility of speeding through her understanding of the story.

The situation, in itself was weird, but better than most situations. He could he dead. So perhaps Eden will survive this little encounter.


A few weeks later.

Turns out Daniel had a small thing we call broken ribs and a broken femur. (Damn, those guys really got him.)

So, Eden, being the worry wart she is, visits him in the hospital during his recovery because, "I took you to the hospital, it'd be on my conscience if you died," She says. Daniel and Eden somehow grew close after that little situation.

So, they become closer. Start helping each other with projects, joke around during class, have matching usernames, and they message each other often. So, everything's going fine.

Until Eden has a run in with Ricky and Steven, the assholes that beat up Daniel, and went unpunished.

They cornered her in the alleyway, motioning for her to give them her backpack. She shakes her head no, but they don't leave. She hears a click, and Steven is holding a switchblade. Her heart sinks to her feet. Then she feels anger. This happened to Daniel, and now it's going to happen to her.

She hears an unfamiliar sound, One that sounds so distant she's convinced it doesn't exist. She focuses on anger, on fear. And she feels something change. Her leg feels like it was twisted.

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