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happy birthday, rosie! 🎉


Morning traffic,

everyone tries to avoid it but are always caught up together anyways. Chaeyoung leaves her house on time however still stuck in the loud, humid traffic.

Entering the transparent doors she head straight for the elevator and wait along side everyone else. Her bored expression or as other people may call it 'the resting bitch face' is on point. She lets out a quiet sigh as the person beside her shifted an inches away from her. She knows the reason why more people are even more intimidated by her the past few days - it's because she had her hair freshly cut. From the long wavy ponytail to the short straight cut, she leaves everyone in awe but no one dares to approach her unless it's necessary.

From her work attire, people she pass by in the lobby usual take her for the directors or someone with a huge title. When the truth is that she is just a regular employee; a good one at that, from the sales department.

Chaeyoung has never turn a report late, always gives excellent results and is never tardy. She shows up on time and leave on time. Although her colleagues can't say they have gotten closer with her in the span of her working in the sales department for almost two years now, everyone sings praises with how good and talented she is when getting the job done.

When entering the room Chaeyoung quickly notice the change in the atmosphere. Most of her colleagues aren't sitting on their respective tables but are gathering around in groups.

She went to her designated table and puts her bag down. She raised her brows at the small commotion in the room but dismissed it and started to look through her work for the day.

"Good morning Chaeyoung," her table neighbor greets her with her usual sunshine voice.

"Morning Lisa," Chaeyoung said back.

"Have you receive your coffee and cupcakes?"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh right ~" Lisa exclaimed loudly and moved closer to Chaeyoung with her revolving chair. "Yesterday when you were out to meet the client, the manager made an announcement."

Chaeyoung nodded. "And?"

"Mr Chen got a promotion and is going to be placed in Hong Kong. He listed out two people who he thought would fit the role of the new chief sales manager," Lisa says.

Chaeyoung nodded once more. After being desk neighbors for a year Chaeyoung knows Lisa waits for reactions and will always pause dramatically while she says something and see how the other person is reacting to the news.

"To be fair all of the people in our department are allowed to vote for which ever person we preferred. The voting will take place in the first week of next month," Lisa explained. "I already know who you're going to vote for, " she adds cheekily.


"Irene of course. Cause you hate Jennie," Lisa says tilting her head and grins.

Chaeyoung rolls her eyes. Of course those two would be the candidates.

"I don't hate Jennie Kim," Chaeyoung repeated the same words she had been telling Lisa for a long time.

"You're making it harder and harder to believe you when you always call her by her full name," Lisa states. "Some of the people here even call her by her nickname."

Chaeyoung shrug. "Her nickname is stupid. And I can't believe everyone is making such commotion over this as if the voting is not going to take place right away."